which bike for my needs and my restrictions

How old are you and what restrictions do you have on your license? Usually it is just a bhp restriction and does not matter about actual engine capacity.
is that till your 21? think it used to be 33bhp till your 21 but might be different now

you can have any size cc bike aslong as its restricted to 33bhp or 46bhp
2002 wr250f for £630 tpft with Ebike, i dont understand why it drops so much due to the year of the bike

EDIT: and extra £40 for a 4 year newer model
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so is the WR250F the way to go for me? or any other bikes i should look at, bare in mind i used to have my kx250f setup to have a fierce pull through the low-mid revs

from research the WR seems to be the closest im going to get to the kind of bike i want without going into maintenance and anti theft issues (WR's have keys and steering locks and also lights already fitted)
what about the wr400 version?

with a trail bike you want every security you can afford,locks chains alarms ect,cos they will try to pinch it at every opportunity
ive got a couple of ground anchors and a few oxford chains and just looking at datatools now

the wr400 dose not have electric start and is a right pig to start apparently, and parts are harder to get hold of as their is not many of the wr400's around no more

thats what ive read up on the net
i havent got to hit any motorways to get to work so i think a 250 should be fine, just got to pick one up now and uncork the thing :D
whats the best security i can get for the WR250F? immoblisers,alarms, disc locks etc

links please :D

ive got a couple of oxford chains but just seen a review on youtube and they cut them with bolt cutters in under 30 seconds! :(

i have a feeling its going to grab attention as well so more than likely someone will try and get it (my MX bikes rarely come out as i just raced them twice a month)
the only worry i have is that the bike is not going to have a steering lock like road bikes and not sure if i can get one fitted.

i would pay the premium to have all the security fitted to it

the bike has electrics and has a speed/millage monitor... so could a immobliser/alarm be fitted?
oh my... that Almax immoblilser series IV uber chain is going to be orderd..... it bent the bolt cutters brand new blades!

haha @&%#! you thieves
Bare in mind, if a thief wants it enough he will probably have it. If you have somewhere where the bike would be out of site like a backyard then I'd strongly advise leaving it in there and chaining it up too. That's what I do with mine. Did you just pass your test after 16th of Jan or something? If so, unlucky as you have more petty requirements to meet. I'm 17 and ride a DRZ400, could ride a Hayabusa 1200 (restricted of course) if I wanted. :p
yeh, hasen't the bhp restriction been lifted higher?

surely i could ride a wr250f legally at 19?

yeh i have a little out house on the front of my house that will have a ground anchor and will be locked up, i would class it as part of my house, like a front door then you have another door to my house if you know what i mean
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