Which games do you wish you played?

Zork. I loved text adventures back in the Spectrum days but never played this one. It's iconic now, of course, but I'm never 100% sure why...

Fallout 1 + 2. I have them through GOG but am less inclined to play them now due to their age (though I did enjoy Planescape and BGII about five years ago when they were very dated)

Final Fantasy games. I've heard a lot about the lore and characters and have friends heavily into them, but it's probably too late to play through from the start.

Dungeon Keeper. Again, I have it through GOG but not played it and no idea if I ever will. I remember in the mid to late 90s seeing a workmate stay in at lunchtimes just to play this game on his PC while the rest of us went to the pub (man, that was a laid-back job!). He was certainly into it and it did look pretty fun.

Thief I and II and the MGS games. I love stealth games in general but missed all these.
Ultima Online in its heyday (played well after it was dead)

Matrix Online

System shock 2

Outcast yeh shoulda tried that one.

(Omikron Nomad Soul was a great game though dont think it has aged well at all!)
ET The Atari video game. It has the reputation of being the worst video game of all time but some in the industry say it was quite an achievement given the time constraints.

I'd like to make my own mind up about it.
ET The Atari video game. It has the reputation of being the worst video game of all time but some in the industry say it was quite an achievement given the time constraints.

I'd like to make my own mind up about it.

I played it. I didn't think it was that bad, though I never did complete it.
Deus Ex (original)

I picked up that cardboard box so many times in the in shop but never purchased. I think I would have loved it.
Cool! Did you play it when it was first released?

To be honest, I can't remember for sure as it was so long ago. Having said that, it probably was close to launch (early 80's). I vaguely seem to recall an anecdote about the programmer that worked on E.T. being under a lot of pressure to finish the game in a very short amount of time. Then, of course, what followed was the well known dumping of an obscene amount of unsold cartridges. :/
To be honest, I can't remember for sure as it was so long ago. Having said that, it probably was close to launch (early 80's). I vaguely seem to recall an anecdote about the programmer that worked on E.T. being under a lot of pressure to finish the game in a very short amount of time. Then, of course, was the well known dumping of an obscene amount of unsold cartridges. :/

Yes, it's true about the programmer by all accounts. You're probably aware of the documentary about the search for all the buried ET cartridges to see whether it was an urban myth. Worth a watch if you get the time and haven't seen it.
The original Deus Ex.

My first Deus Ex game was Human Revolution and I loved every second of it, re-played it about 5-6 times. I really want to try the original but i'm scared that I won't like it as it'll have dated mechanics. Is the original Deus Ex still worth a try today to somebody that has never played it?
The original Deus Ex.

My first Deus Ex game was Human Revolution and I loved every second of it, re-played it about 5-6 times. I really want to try the original but i'm scared that I won't like it as it'll have dated mechanics. Is the original Deus Ex still worth a try today to somebody that has never played it?

I would say yes. The dialogue alone is exemplary (it may even blow your mind).

Could try looking up some mods on moddb.
The original Deus Ex.

My first Deus Ex game was Human Revolution and I loved every second of it, re-played it about 5-6 times. I really want to try the original but i'm scared that I won't like it as it'll have dated mechanics. Is the original Deus Ex still worth a try today to somebody that has never played it?

There is still a great game there - most of the outdated mechanics can be worked around and/or are much less bothersome for a first play through i.e. start hacking/picking a lock and open the inventory for a few seconds and it will only use 1 tool instead of loads of them. (Less of an issue for a first play through but really tedious for repeat plays).

Stick a couple of mods on - especially ones that tweak the active powers a bit and/or make it so you can run some of them permanently and its a pretty decent play. (Try to avoid ones that change it too much though - the original powers and tools are part of the story in a way just desperately need a bit of minor tweaking if your playing it in the light of more recent games)
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So which mods would you guys recommend? Does the game run O.K on Windows 7? I'm at work now but i'd like to do some research into this because as I said before I absolutley loved Human Revolution.
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Wish I had internet when Star Wars: Galaxies was in its prime, unfortunately I could only read & dream about it. Likewise for EVE. I mean the latter is still going but imo if you didn't get in early it's kinda pointless afterwards.
wish I was a pc gamer when the ut99/quake 3 scene was huge

Soo many hours spent playing rocket arena mod!
This was probably my favourite era of gaming for sure. My only regret is that I wished I'd played more, pushed myself harder to compete, and appreciated how good I had it!
MGS3 and 4

HOW in the hell have you not experienced these?!?!?!?! :confused::eek:

Do yourself a favour and get them, NOW!

wish I was a pc gamer when the ut99/quake 3 scene was huge

Ahhh, the glory days of FPS, with 56k dial up modems and constant disconnects when someone phoned the house phone then raging because you get cut out the game!

People who haven't played The Last Of Us, get it! it's an absolute fantastic game and sucks you in, such a great story.

Anyway, I can't really think of a game that I have yet to try that I wish I did, I suppose GTA V on the PC, as I still haven't got round to getting it yet, and Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, and Cities Skylines.
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