Which games do you wish you played?

Crazy as it might sound, I haven't yet done a proper modded play through. However, looking on moddb, one called Biomod that Rroff (I think) was referring to is probably worth getting.


I found this list on GOG. Looks like worth a read :


It's a shame that the Revision mod isn't ready yet.


Was thinking it was a shame Revision isn't completed yet when I posted. Was another mod I had in mind similar to biomod but a little truer to the original but can't remember the name off the top of my head.
Ultima Online in its heyday (played well after it was dead)

Matrix Online

System shock 2

Outcast yeh shoulda tried that one.

(Omikron Nomad Soul was a great game though dont think it has aged well at all!)

I loved Outcast when it was released - there is an updated version on Steam now if you still wanted to give it a play. Not sure how well it will stand up to today's games but the reviews are good: http://store.steampowered.com/app/336610/
Yes it was Neocron. There wasn't a lot of content and there were a lot of long standing bugs in game, but for some reason I loved it. The community was very active and it was unique.

Neocron was awesome - as you say, very buggy, but the community was great, even the "griefers" were decent and were just playing the role of griefers*

Everyone knew/or at least had heard of almost everyone else on the same server.

The benefits of it being such a small community (I think the peak total number of players was less than 10k?).

Unfortunately IMO that small community was also it's downfall - their advertising was poor (to the point of being non-existent, I only found out about it through a friend of a friend who was one of the GMs!) and it never really took off - small playerbase obviously means less income = no money for development :(

As you say though, it was unique, and the best implementation of an FPS/RPG hybrid gameplay style I've ever seen (and still hasn't been matched IMO).

It's F2P now if anyone's interested in giving it a go, but the community isn't really there any more, peak players are about 3-400 on a server :(

*obviously there were a few... "unpleasant" people, but the majority were a good laugh
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Although I did play WoW when it was relased, it was the end of BC that I really got involved. I wish I had really got into it when it was first released.

I also wish I could have played Civ4 when it was first released, or at least when its popularity was at its prime. I am far too involved with how Civ5 works now to be able to really get into Civ4.
Although I did play WoW when it was relased, it was the end of BC that I really got involved. I wish I had really got into it when it was first released.

I also wish I could have played Civ4 when it was first released, or at least when its popularity was at its prime. I am far too involved with how Civ5 works now to be able to really get into Civ4.

Played WoW since closed beta, and I would definitely say that vanilla was the best era, and to a lesser extent BC - IMO it went downhill after WotLK and I pretty much lost interest - although that may have been simply due to me getting a bit jaded with it (amongst other reasons)...
No online game has equaled the sense of achievement the first time your 40 man raid takes down Ragnaros in Molten Core! It was my first and last MMO as nothing managed to interest me half as much as WoW. It was also more about the community as we had a guild formed from a lot of PC Gamer forum peeps, good ol' Shadow Hunters of Shadowsong :D
System shock 1 + 2 for me, I've got the second in my library but have such a backlog of games I don't think I'll ever get round to it.
Fallout 1/2

Those ones stand out for me. I played Half-Life last year, but it doesn't really stand up without the nostalgia factor IMO. It was an OK game, but I know had I picked it up when it came out it would have been astounding.

I tried to play Fallout 1 last year as well, but just found it impenetrable.
Wish I was pc gaming for longer, and with the time I spent on Diablo 3, reading all the books and enjoying the lore - I wish I played D2 on release because I know I'd really enjoy it :)
System Shock 2
Dues Ex
Vampire: The Masquerade
TES: Morrowind / Oblivion

I've tried them all (except shenmue) and either can't stand the graphics or their limited/enclosed zones. I could probably play Oblivion, but meh.

Neocron was a big big love of mine. Wasn't my first mmo but my first proper adventure with friends. The first time you exit the city into the outlands, taking down a warbot, crafting something awesome.
I also used to enjoy standing in the middle of the city poking people. God I made so much money from that and farming rocket launchers only to have it all taken off me in a massive money wipe.
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Games that might have came out a while ago, which passed you by?

Question, apart from MMOs, why wouldn't you just play them now?

People listed SS2, Deus Ex, etc... those are still playable and still good to play, even today.

There is no reason not to go back occasionally and play something older. The only reason is yourself not wanting to.
Honestly a lot of those classic games would feel outdated now, even games I enjoyed before don't feel the same when I came back to them.
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