Which HD? (Samsung vs Seagate)

20 Feb 2007
Seagate fan here, but I gotta admit all this talk for the past 1-2 years on Seagates getting noiser is true.... its luck of draw actually some Seagates use a different chipset/hence the noise is worser.

Shame Seagates went downhill lately, id go for Samsungs there on the game with low "Noise" atm ;)
I wouldn't describe producing the benchmark drive of the last 12 months as going downhill.

Yes, there were issues with the motors of some drives but the vast bulk of reports lately have been that the drives are now quiet, maybe not as quiet as the Samsungs but certainly not intrusive.
The 7200.10 is a great performer and I really like mine. BUT, they do make more noise when than than my Spinpoints when seeking.

I personally would go for Seagate, but Sammy's will be better if you are really sensitive to noise.
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