Which headphone ?

20 Mar 2005
I know sod all about headphone's and i'm looking for help regarding the selection of the below or another headphone at roughly £80 maximum, which will be mainly used for gaming.

Sennheiser HD595

Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro

Grado SR80
Why not?

I prefer Grado's, they have better bass than Sennheisers and just the same range, I don't like ear encompassing/enclosing headphones and find the Grado's more comfortable. Also they are cheaper :)

Go into a decent music shop and try before you buy though and make up your own mind.

If you do decide on Grado's you may aswell stick to the SR60's, had mine for 7 years and all I've had to replace are the ear cushions. My dad has got the HD595's and loves the extra treble for listening to his classical music.
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No way do Grado 'phones have better bass than Sennheisers :p

And I find the Sennheisers so much more comfortable than Grado headphones, they fit nicely around the ears rather than pressing them against your head. Then when you consider the Alessandro MS-1s I don't see much point in buying the SR80s.
Sennheiser HD595.

I,ve had mine for about a week and thier the most comfortable headphones I,ve ever used.

Their fantastic for music and gaming. Good for films too.

Plus you get a cute headphone stand with them :)
You need a headphone amplifier with Sennheisers, also connector prong fails after a while. Wearing Sennheisers during the summer is hell, too hot and sweaty.

I've got Grado RS-1's.
You don't have to use a headphone amplifer at all with the Sennheisers, their impedance is 50.

They will benefit from a decent headphone amp sure same as most headphones but its defitently not required.
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Yeah you'll probably get away without an amp on the senn's.

Pretty odd mix of phones in the OP tbh, most people usually know if they want open or closed right from the off.....as said Grado's are quite bright as a rule, not a bass can which makes them poor for gaming, imo.

For 'competitive' gaming as someone has said then the HD595 would probably be best....however..

...For most gaming FUN, imo, you can't beat the bass slam from a closed can, especially huge on the DT770, it doesn't get much better. You can actually feel the gun shots and explosions in your head :D
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Thanks for all the input guy's :)

Bigsy, as I said in the op, I have not got a clue about headphones :eek:

I was going to go for the hd595 but what the **** is all this talk about an 'amp' ???

I thought I could just plug it into the X-Fi fatal1ty I/O Drive and away it goes.

Now i'm more confused than ever tbh which one to go for and there isn't any decent music shops locally to try them out.

Why does life always have to be so god damn complicated. :mad:
you can just plug them in and away you go, but i presume a amp would give better quality. Im not sure, i own HD555 and I just plug them straight into my soundcard :)
Ignore the comment about needing an amp for the hd595's.

They will work just fine though your x-fi fatal1ty i/o drive without any problems, plently of people including myself on the forums here have the same setup which works just fine :)
Ah, cheer's bailey12856 and Lunix.

Lunix,seeing as you have the same tft and broadband provider as myself I think that's a good omen and you obviously have good taste.:p

So, i'm now at 51% i'll go for the hd595 ....
Ignore the comment about needing an amp for the hd595's.

They will work just fine though your x-fi fatal1ty i/o drive without any problems, plently of people including myself on the forums here have the same setup which works just fine :)

But it'll sound even better with a DAC -> Amp with balanced outputs. ;)
glad to see the hd485's on that head-fi list, go me!

my senns are good for music and really comfy, even with specs on, wear em for hours, and they dont get irritating.
Senns are better for gaming purely because of their soundstage, as the grado's have whats called a 'headstage', because they don't have a wide soundstage :D

But i still prefer grado's over senns as they actually bring the music to you whilst *** senns are far to laid back and 'veiled'. But this debate is like the ati vs nvidia debate, and everyone has their opinions and favourites.

Im off to the UK head-fi meet next month so will be able to compare plenty of headphones, amps, dacs, and other sources :D
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