What did Safari 3 bring that made everyone suddenly switch over to it? 2 was virtually identical bar the web inspector. I chose that over Firefox, too.
I'm using firefox as I find a lot of the extensions handy
I remember trying a free browser which was like that omniweb one with preview tabs on the sidebar. Think it was from a Japanese site or something. Can't remember now, but I might try it again now I have a widescreen monitor.
That's the oneWas it Shiira you were thinking of?
Just tried shiira and within a few minutes it crashed
Couldn't get the tab preview thing onto the side like on the previous version either
I can't seem to get it to workTo have the tab preview on the side,
goto Preferences->Page dock and tab->Tab Bar then change the button to left (or right if you prefer), then switch back to PageDock and it will appear on the correct side.