I have serveral harddrive and can not decide which one is the best to put the Windows and program in and what partition should i divide.
I have several office programs and serval games like FEAR, HL2, Black and White 2, etc, i also would like to use one HD as a storage. I just happen to have many shows and movies (300 GB).
Here the drives i have
Samsung 200 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 250 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 400 GB SATA2 16mb
The 200 GB seems to be 5 C hotter than the 250.
I do not think I would benefit from RAID configeration
please advice me...
I have serveral harddrive and can not decide which one is the best to put the Windows and program in and what partition should i divide.
I have several office programs and serval games like FEAR, HL2, Black and White 2, etc, i also would like to use one HD as a storage. I just happen to have many shows and movies (300 GB).
Here the drives i have
Samsung 200 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 250 GB SATA2 8mb
Samsung 400 GB SATA2 16mb
The 200 GB seems to be 5 C hotter than the 250.
I do not think I would benefit from RAID configeration
please advice me...