Which Projector - pls advise...

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

further to my post around a few days or 1 week ago please advise which of these three projectors you would choose and why:

a) beng pe7700
b) toshiba mt700
c) hitachi pj tx200

Please help

Thanks in advance...
What's your budget? I see you haven't got any models by Infocus, Panasonic or Optoma on your shortlist, any particular reason? :confused:
i was told these three are bang for buck.....so therefore they are on my shortlist..

why are they not good?

I dont have a budget....going on recommendations from a close friend.....but erm say around £1500 should include cables etc too pls

The panasonic PTAE900 should be on your list too. It's meant to be a great projector. I've got the '200 and it's been flawless considering its age. I can only imagine the 900 is brilliant.
daz said:
Being in London, I would recommend going to some good AV places to take a look at some units, as well as seeing if you can spot the "rainbow effect" that for some, ruins a DLP projector's image.

I found that dark scenes showed the rainbow effect far more than light scenes

The first film I watched with my LCD projector was Battle Royale :D tried it on the work DLP projector and the rainbow effect was immediately apparent.
Wyvern971 said:
I found that dark scenes showed the rainbow effect far more than light scenes

The first film I watched with my LCD projector was Battle Royale :D tried it on the work DLP projector and the rainbow effect was immediately apparent.

Which projector were you watching, what speed colour wheel did it have? I believe newer DLP projectors have faster colour wheels that should make it much more difficult to see the effect.

I notice the rainbow effect on my Infocus X1, but it's not distracting to me.
The work one is an Optoma E739 and I've not a clue on wheel speed, all I was trying to say was that I found the rainbow effect far more noticable on dark scenes.
thanks for your help so far

so is the panasonic AE range better and more "bang for buck" that the ones I have shortlisted?

Please help

the panasonic, if you have the budget, which you do, would be my choice definately. i researched this for weeks and a friend of mine has bought it, after i asked him for advice, it is absolutely stunning for what you pay. it has a great technolodgy which makes screen door effect virtually non existant. common on lcd pj's
what about the NEC HT510???

Is that any good??

Which one is the best of the best out of the lot we have spoken about so far?

As I am still eager to go for the beng pe7700

Please advise

Get a panasonic AE900. Thread closed. Actually a very impressive unit, stunning for the small price tag.
To be fair the Z4 does look rather good. I wasnt aware of its specs. As with everything though i couldnt possibly comment without a home demo :) On paper it looks fantastic though assuming its cheap like the AE900.
hmm decisions decisions....

its just that the other ones have got good reviews as well so Im confused....
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