which quad is best?

6 Oct 2008
i have a Q8200 slow i know but was thinking of getting the Q9550 as i whish to get 4Ghz?
would this be an ideal chip to use or can anybody make any suggestions? as to which chip is best to clock up to 4ghz?

board is an asus p5q-e and recently purchased 8gb ddr2 1066
do u want it just for that 4ghz oc?
the q8200 is a nice cpu, granted the weakest quad.
thing is it is a very expensive cpu, save some dosh and geta 9450.
so what sort of performance hardware do you need to hit 4 ghz without spending big money? if its at all possible? if not what chip and max oc do i settle for?
Well your p5qe mobo and your memory are fine if you want to hit 4.0ghz with a q9550, particularly an EO stepping chip. Mine does 3.8ghz on little over stock volts of 1.200, it would probably go a lot further but i lack the time to push it, apparently though above 450fsb you need to start tweaking the gtl reference voltages which isnt something im well up on, i achieved 3.8 with theese setings on auto.

Edit: 8gb of memory will make things a bit more difficult.
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4ghz isnt a big deal

not worth the upgrade to another core2 quad for certain

i wouldnt buy a 9550

if you did have to splash the cash, i would be considering an i5 750 tbh

that would get 4ghz easy, be a nice upgrade in speed

give you the sli/xfire options, and be a much more 'up to date' upgrade

i know it would mean upgrading the mobo and ram /depends what you currently have [to sell] and can afford

i have had a 8200 at 3.9 stable on a blackops. if you want higher clocks, get a higher clocking board rather than buying a new chip for an overclock where you will, realistically, see no difference
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