Which shooty game has the best campaign

I've just finished cry3 last night was the first time playing crysis and really enjoyed it. It's a short story but not too short. Graphics at all maxed still held up very well too for a 2013 game.
Other than that hl2

Most interesting story for a linear / first person shooter that I have played. Sorry it's not on the list (HL2 FWIW). :D :/
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Tomb Raider is good fun, IF you can push through the first thirty minutes or so. There are a few too many QTE's which make you think the whole game will be like that but it does calm down afterwards.

Also good shout on Spec Ops The Line. Good story, a few twists and some good action and likely cheap from a key site too.

Bulletstorm is pretty good fun and, at times, completely ludicrous and all the better for it.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I've already completed Tomb Raider. I went for Crysis 2 in the end! I have half life 2 on the 360 as lounge gaming so that will probably be played at the same time as fo4...
Black mesas fantastic playing my way thru it now mich harder than the origonal half life.

Its not finished yet tho thats its only downfall! (Zen levels missing)

Not finished?

I bought. played and completed Black Mesa on Steam. I didn't notice any missing levels (It's a long time since I first played the original though).


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat

Get yourself the Metro games,, 6 to 8 hours long, great story, great games.

And these. Especially 2033 redux.
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