White knight build update time

I had a similar problem when bending the tubing... I tried numerous techniques and all failed! kept on getting kinks or it melting.. here's what i did (please try on a small piece first) i capped one end of the tube and filled sand then capped the other end then with the heat gun on a low setting heat up the area you want to bend (heat all the way around) bend it around something with the same circumference as the required angle. then once formed spray it with cold water so it cools quick and holds its shape. make sure you then clean out the tube!!! sand is not a good thing to have pumping around with your coolant ;)
Custom panels arrived for the the side of the
5.25" drive bay and the back radiator mount

Still awaiting the EK Rad why is this taking so long ! Ek! Joke!
Right back in action and finally on the home straight to finishing the build!
Mid plate arrived from Ricardo :)
And have my step drill piece which I'm a bit nervous about, hopefully no mistakes with the mid plate!

Test fitting the mid plate will need to mark out holes for these
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