White knight build update time

just so we're clear, this is the direction your flow is going right?


as previously I had it going the other way , which is a big no no :)
Because I can't get hold of white female to female fittings in the uk.
The tubing from the pump will come down into the fill port at an angle, which has grown on me.

The tubing routing from the top of the gpu block to the tube res will need a bend, not sure if it should be a single 90d fitting or as in the picture.

And there will be a bend from the bay res coming down into the mid plate!
Still unsure!

Just found some extenders!
So the question is angled or straight!?
Fittings arrived!
But am going away with the gf until Sunday :(

Mini or normal multi link fitting?

Should be up and running by Wednesday! ;)
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how is that different from a 90 degree fitting?

In hindsight, I think if you had bought all your fittings first and then integrated your gfx cards, you could have got some titan 2s when your plumbing was finished >.<
how is that different from a 90 degree fitting?

In hindsight, I think if you had bought all your fittings first and then integrated your gfx cards, you could have got some titan 2s when your plumbing was finished >.<

I can screw the multi link fittings on each end!
So I don't have to bend the tubing! Female to female
Here's a rough draft I've managed to do before I leave

The tubing from the pump is sorted it will sink in level to the mid plate once I drill the hole.
The top gpu fitting is off slightly and a little too short, so I think I'll have to extend the tubing coming out of the res a little.

As to the time it's taken, I hadn't planned for it to have taken this long
Due to a personal issue I've been out of action for the last 14 months.
So I probably should have waited until now to build a machine, but I'm happy :)

Plus there will be another build! ;)
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