Who am I? Who are you?

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Curio said:
Moo - sounds like you had a pretty bad time of it there :( Glad to hear things have got better tho - and I hope they continue to do so!

I don't really want people saying that, ok I haven't had a good time but everythings great now. I just feel uneasy about people saying that for some reason. I've had it pretty good compared to some people. But thakyou anyway :)
Moo said:
Writing that was kind of like therapy :p It brought a few memories back and made me cry but now I feel better for it :)

Luckily the past is the past and can stay that way. Everythings great now :)
It's always good to let things out at times. Glad you're better now :)

This thread is so good.
Hate - Aka Neil, born 25th February 1982 in Crawley Hospital making me a ripe 23 years old.

Lived in East Grinstead (sussex) which is pretty much a commuter town suburb type place where my dad would go to work on the train and I would go to school.
Unfortunately my dad who had cancer before I was born succumbed in 1992 leaving my mum with me and my sister (10yrs and 4yrs old).
I finished school and secondary school with 10 GCSE's (A's and B's) and moved onto sixth form where i got 4 'A' Levels and an NVQ level 3. I literally just this week finished my Computer Science course at the Uni of Sussex hoping for a 2:1.

I saw my dad suffer with his cancer for many years which has made me a little screwy in the head - I have suffered anxiety and panic attacks, coupled with bouts of depression and last year was diagnosed with borderline OCD (which I have managed to control so is all good!). I was also born completely stone cold deaf in my right ear.

Currently live with housemates in Brighton (which is only 40 min drive from home anyhow), play guitar and give blood on a regular basis! (well, i've just got a few piercings so it'll have to wait 6 months till i can give again). My interests include football (brighton and hove albion!), rugby, squash, playing guitar & piano and driving my Honda Prelude.
I am currently playing far too much World of Warcraft, but since my degree is finished i don't care :p I used to play Quake 3 Arena harcore and attended a few tournaments and competitions and won a few quid (Clans I played for incase anyone remembers were Mr, [FURY] and -lsr-. Mr were once approx 3rd best clan in the UK)

My current line of work is a contracted Computer Games Tester (ha!) and i've applied for some junior programming jobs since finishing uni.
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Moo said:
I don't really want people saying that, ok I haven't had a good time but everythings great now. I just feel uneasy about people saying that for some reason. I've had it pretty good compared to some people. But thakyou anyway :)

I understand. I didn't even mention my "bad stuff" because of the same thing I guess :)
Adam Smith
19 Years of age
Entrepreneur, techie, uber-geek

That's basically all there is to my life. I look after a bunch of computers and people pay me (lots) of money to use them. I'm hoping to move to London (E14) full time shortly. My life pretty much revolves around work, in fact I'm working now....on my birthday bar any distractions such as OcUK ;).

Interests? Typical geeky stuff - Sci-Fi, internerd forums and the like. Second love, after computers is cars + driving. Ferrari before I'm 21? Who knows....

My story is perhaps a little dull but I'll read some of your stories later tonight though with interest.
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Hilly - Andy Hill

Born in Shrewsbury and bred in Telford Shropshire, i live in a little Village pretty near to Kreeeeee though never met him. Mum was born and raised in Paignton, Devon and Torquay and my dad was born in Shifnal. Mum has been married before and divorced, i have a brother from that relationship who is 9 years older than me, which my dad tried to adopt but due to a speeding ticket, was turned down (shocking eh)

Was born 29th Febuary 1984, leap year. Though was due a week early, mum was in a horse riding accident as a little kid which crushed her womb, and couldn't have a natural birth. Only day the C-Section doctor came in, was on a Thursday which is why i was born 29th February.

I'm a systems administrator from a supplier (who supplies OCuK with stock and some tech support, won't mention name though) and look after 10--120 pc's, 15 servers, printers phones e.t.c. e.t.c general I.T whilst supporting whole building too. Due for a payrise in September, but in mean time have applied to police force (which i've always wanted to do) applied twice already, this is now the third time. Applied the day i was 17 1/2 and also on my 18th birthday but failed both times mainly due to my age which is understandable. Will be a month when i hear back, so will let you all know what happens no doubt.

I drive a 206 in red, though getting a Type-R when i get my payrise (hence the sig) you could also tell i'm a pretty big Liverpool fan by the sig too :D

Left school with good GCSE's but only did a year at college, took a year out and worked various little places until i applied for a modern apprentership at the place where i work now. Started their doing tech support, building and repairing pc's + laptops. Was took on after 6 months full time and passed my course after 8 months, after 12 months i was promoted and i've been a Systems Admin now for year and a half, 2 and a half at the current place. Still like it, though like every job it can be an absolutely ball ache, but the people are cool.

Currently single, had a couple of long term relationships (one was long distance which we split up in February) other girl cheated on me, lovely eh ?! So looking for a nice girl currently.

I'll cut the waffling to that point and let someone else get a word in edgeways now :D
Deadly Ferret said:
James. Could have been anything, turned out to be nothing. Mind atrophied. Enthusiasm for life sapped by experience, potential reduced by time. No defining moments, only years of non-defined failure. Innocent childlike spirit trapped and rendered dormant within the misbegotten, jaded shell of a man old before his time.

You could have just put 'loser' to save reading time :p :D

How you been doing anyway?
Aliboy - I am Al.

38 years old and have still to mature yet. Born just outside of Glasgow but living in Edinburgh, I am currently studying to become a driving instructor as I want to become self employed and I like sitting on my backside all day. My other half is Annie. She is 47 and used to be my boss before my boyish charm got a hold of her. I have been seeing her for 7 years now. That is a record for me.
My parents divorced when I was about 5 years old and my mum started to see a young whippersnapper who was in the army and married him when he was 19 years old. 30 years later they are still together althought I don't know why. I have never seen my biological father since and have no intention of doing so either. I have 3 sisters, 1 older, the rest younger.
I have had more jobs than I have years alive on this planet and I'm not kidding about that. Travelled around for a bit and have always been a bit of a bum if I'm honest with myself.
I am the type of person that likes to make people laugh and don't like to show them my serious side until I can really trust them. I've done some really dumb things in my life which I totaly regret now, but things happen right?
I love beer and getting sozzled, but I only get really sozzled on nights out and not when I'm in the house.
My 'mates' are a real strange bunch and I'm in the process of trying to push the negative ones away slowly as they are becoming to much of a strain on me right now.
I love fresh food, not the tinned kack that some people can eat. I would rather try and make something fresh than buy packet or tinned foods.
Never been to jail, have 4 cats, hate injustice, like to be liked and I can't stand people who are big headed.
I would love to skydive and I also like chips :p :p
miss k= Emily- M- Ems- Emmy (the kids at work call me that)

born october 23rd 1983 which would make me 21

Iwas born in High Wycombe and have lived here my whole life. i'm the eldest of 3, i have a yonger sister 19 vicki and brother 14 andy.

i have alway been an active person i started ballet when i was 2 1/2 and trained in most types and princibles in dance till i was 20. All from a young age i have played hockey, i played county and as of today i am captain of my current team. At school i had to play for the boys hockey team as there wasnt a girls team (this suited me fine)

i have always had some learning difficulties in the accedemic department that i have mostly over come, i still cant spell though.

I got ok GCSE's which lead to me study sport in a sports collage. After completing the course i decided there was a huge part of my life missing so i went off to find what i needed to fill this.

on my quest i fell apon child care as a career, i am hugly happy doing this and have nearly completed my nvq level 3, i am a senior in my job and also the sen co (special Educational Needs co odernater).

During my last year at school i met Krono (this was the best thing that ever happened to me). he has supported me through everything and now 5 years on we live together and are engaged.

i dont have many female friends as they dont like me as i'm not the typical female. This may be because i play halo, and other computer games, love action film and dont spend hours on my hair.

So thats just me pretty boring
j00ni - I am Jonathan

I was born in Blackpool in 1984. My birth mother had bipolar disorder, and my father schizophrenia. As a result of this (according to my papers) I was taken into foster care straight from the hospital. I was in foster care in Blackpool until I was 6 months old, when I was adopted by my parents. I still see my foster parents fairly often, and withe their help I have recently started to track down my birth parents. I'm planning a trip to the records office later this month and am so nervous as I know almost nothing about the people who brought me into this world, not even if either are still alive.

I have a sister, who is two years younger than me who is also adopted.

I couldn't have asked for a better family growing up, I was never treated any different to if I was their own, and as long as I can remember they have always been totally honest about my adoption. Both my parents come from large families, and the love and support I have received from them over the years, I couldn't wish for anything more. My childhood was very happy, and although we lived a long way from my school friends me and my sister and her best friend (who lived nearby) got up to the usual mischief, leaving the house in the morning and not coming home all day (except when we were dragged back by angry neighbours :p).

School has always been an enjoyable release for me, I am quite shy, and learning how things work and all about everything was a welcome release for me, I didn't make many friends at primary school apart from my best friend who I have known for more than 16 years now, and who I live with at uni! Not wanting to sound big headed, but academically I cruised through school almost on autopilot, getting into an excellent local grammar school - which further gave me even more scope to extend my knowledge of everything that interested me. I will froever be grateful to the school for allowing us to guide our own education and to feel like we were participating in education, rather than being taught.

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a doctor, and my A level choices reflected this. The first year of my A levels was possibly one of the best times of my life, I made lots of new friends, was loving doing subjects that I truely enjoyed, and after a few years of blazing rows my parents weren't argueing nearly as much as they had been.

All was going well, and I had just got my AS results, when my dad dropped the bombshell that he was moving out! For me this was a completely devastating shock, and completely out of the blue. As it transpired the lull in the rows my parents had been having was due to my dad having met another woman :mad: and the first I heard of this was the day he moved out. This really knocked me for six, I had always looked up to my dad, but for him to do something so terrible and disrespecting to my mum, I lost all my respect for him. I struggled to come to terms with what had happened, especially as what he did flew in the face of some of my strongest held beliefs. I cut off almost all contact with my dad.

My academic performance started to slip, and if it wasn't for one friend I probably would have imploded, but as she had gone through a similar thing with her parents, she seemed to know exactly what to say and I will always love her for pulling me through :) I managed to pull my socks up and get the grades needed to get into med school. Also, on the encouragement of my mum (who I admire for having the courage to do so), I started seeing my dad, and his new girlfriend. Doing so allowed me to see that both my parents were much happier now and gave me some closure and I now get on much better with my dad.

I had an amazing first year at uni. It was everything I hoped it would be and more (apart from emptying a dead bloke's colon, bleurgh), passed the first year (just!). Then, over summer my sister dropped out of college, and my dad stopped paying support payments to my mum (which she needs as she couldn't work often as she looked after her parents, her mum with dementia and her dad who had had a stroke). It turned out that the divorce settlement had been a bit grey about child support payments and my dad had interpreted it that he didn't have to pay.

As a result I spent a lot of the semester at home, mediating between my parents. In the midst of all this my maternal grandmother died, which added to the stress. I just about managed to reach a compromise between my parents and thankfully avoided court, but by then I had already missed almost all my lectures that semester and unsurprisingly failed.

Luckily since then everything has settled down, my sister has got a job which she loves and can afford to help my mum with bills etc. I have resat the semester I failed, and actually discovered a love for the subject area of that semester (neuroscience) and passed with flying colours in january. I start my clinical placement at Preston hospital in september and cannot wait!

phew, that was the first time I have properly told that whole story to anyone, and it felt good to get it all out. This OcUK group therapy is great :)
Hey, ok here’s my little part.

Im Jon, born in Birmingham on the 4th May 1983, and currently residing in Bromsgrove. Im soon to be moving to Sheffield in the next few weeks to continue my studies at Leeds Met Uni and to be closer to work.

I’ve mainly coasted through school often being rather lazy and wanting to play tennis and football for most of the evenings and weekends. It hasn’t done too much harm but I have certainly underachieved.

I’m currently on my placement year of my Computing Course at Leeds Met University. Work is fantastic and I love every minute of it, so much that I’m staying at work and finishing my degree part time over the next two years.

I have a loving and fantastic girlfriend of which I’ve been with for 3.5, Shes 21 and has just graduated from McMaster University in Canada with an English Lit degree. We first met via our parents before we were born. Our parents attended the same maternity classes and our dads were introduced when the projector broke during the presentation, engineers can’t help but fix things. When she was 4 years old her family moved over to Canada has her mother is Canadian and her dad had an excellent job offer over there. We often saw each other every 2 years when they came over to visit. About 5 years ago they came over and Michelle and I had something neat going on, we ended up emailing and chatting on msn most of the day everyday. A few years ago she came over to stay with her granddad for a few weeks and we starting dating, 3 and a ½ years later we are still going strong. She’s over in 7 days and I can’t wait.

I do love to play tennis especially doubles and have played the piano for 8 years and the bass for 2 years. I just wish I had the room for a nice grand piano. I’m sure I will eventually. My parents have had quite and eventful family and life. I remember as a kid moving around a lot and watching mom and dad work hard as they set there Nursing home business up. Unfortunately this all unfolded itself due to some untrustworthy pretenders etc. My younger brother (21) and sister (16) have always coped well with the moves.

My ambitions for the future.
Ultimately I’d love to live in Canada with my girlfriend. Unfortunately this will take time as I have to finish my degree then get enough experience to get a job. It’s a nice aim to have an I’m sure one day I will fulfil it.

That’s about it for my story hope your still awake :p
Kell_ee001 = Kelly
Born 21st June 1981 in Ashord Hospital.
I have 1 sister called Maxine who is 21 and a half-sister called Annette who is roughly 32/33 now iirc. My parents are Carol (looks 20 years younger than she is) and Tony (who acts 40 years younger than he is!).

Last year Mum and Dad retired to Spain. They live 10 minutes walk from the beach and love life now. They moved out there due to my Dads health (the guy had at least 9 heart-attacks and 3 strokes so far, although we have actually lost count). I love them both very much but get on better with my Mum these days, even though when I was a teenager it was the other way round. I have learnt to appreciate them and not take them for granted. I think they did a wonderful job of bring Maxine and I up and I do actually thank them now I’m older (though I never believed I would at the time!)

Maxine lives in a studio apartment with a sea-view in Whitley Bay, just down the road from me. She has been on long term sick for about 3 years now due to Crohn's disease. She has to take about 14 tablets each morning, each evening and before she goes to bed. I think the only reason she doesn’t rattle is because of the amount of drink she indulges in at the weekends with friends. Although the Crohn’s does affect her life, she doesn’t let it rule it.

I haven’t seen Annette for about 9 years, and it hasn’t yet been long enough. I did discover I have a (half) niece and nephew when she got in contact via Friends Reunited last year, but I have never met them and I never replied to her email. She treated my family with total disrespect. I hope I never see her again as even though she is my fathers daughter, she will never be part of my family.

So now about me!  :D It’s a little messed up so bare with me!

As I said, born in Ashford and brought up in Egham, Surrey. I went to St. Annes Heath Middle School and Magna Carta High School. I left with pretty much nothing. I got in trouble, I drank and I hurt my parents a lot. I started on anti-depressants when I was 12 and was never home. I fought constantly with my Mum, and didn’t even know I was doing it.

In 1997 we moved to Whitley Bay. I continued on anti-depressants and blamed my Mum for making me leave everyone and everything I knew behind. I found out later it was my Dad that had run us into the ground down south and my Mum didn’t want to leave either. I felt really guilty for giving her such a hard time. However she never through it at me and I have an even greater respect for her now. I went to NTC for 4 years in the end, due to Dads heart and my wild behaviour. At one point I ran the family business full-time and went to college. I continued on anti-depressants. I started getting tattoos, pierced and going out with the wrong people. I also made some big mistakes but I managed to get into Sunderland University for my English Degree which I dropped out in the first year. I regret it but am sure I get a degree one day. I started working full time on a tech desk and meet the wonderful people I still hang out with now. Best of all I met Murf there!

Now Murf and I have been going out over a year and a half. We bought a house together after 5 months but it felt right at the time. I also came off anti-depressants the day he asked me out. I have never taken a single tablet since (love is definitely the greatest cure!). We have been through some rough times but we are very strong and know that things will sort themselves out over time. We have both left the company since but Murf is starting a new job soon and I will hopefully have a final interview for a position I want too. He is also taking me away for my birthday later in the month to Paris, as I have always wanted to go. Despite all his faults (well, he is male after all! :p) I love him with all my heart. Now we just wait to see what the future holds.

Now I feel (even though I have managed to skim over pretty much everything in my life) I have bored you enough. Hope it wasn’t a total waste of time for you though.
Moo said:
Because I said stuff :confused: I'm confused by that...
For having the confidence to say it! There's still a crapload about my life that I haven't told anyone, and don't plan to. I don't want half the world knowing about my weaknesses!

PS I'm a bit drunk though, so my perceptions may be screwed.
TinkerBell- I am Jaime, im 17 years old and have lived in Birmingham all my life, i have lived with my mom for 17 years, (apart from one year when i lived with my grandparents) in a small 2 bed house in Quinton, my dad left my mom when she was pregnant, both say it was a mutual decision (although sometimes i wonder)

I have had a pretty good childhood, although was bullied by my Uncle thoughout that time, till i could fend for myself and fight back. Have been going to see my dad every sunday since i was around 1, dad got married to my stepmom not long after that, shes great wouldnt change her for the world, shes like my big sis, yay since then they have had two children, my bro dan who is 9 and a right pain in the behind, and my lil sis ellie who is great and shes 22 months

went to a girls grammar school in 1999, got slaughtered by most peeps, which i hated, everyday was a chore to go to school especially since i had to get up at 6 to get to school on time:( the bullying finally stopped when i hit year 10 and loved it after that:D had loads of friends and had great fun

left school last year which was great, hated the school pretty much and the teachers, so moved on to stourbridge college, and have loved every minute of it:D i feel really comfortable there, like i have no where else

met my bf at college, sam whose a year and a half older than me, and i love him to bits, although sometimes i wish i didnt:p been with him for just over 7 months now, we have had our ups and downs to say the least:p oh well

i think thats about it really
"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next........."

But most people either call me Bear, Or Jamie :D

I was born on June the 16th 1983, although my dad put the 17th by accident :rolleyes:. I was born in Burton on Trent and went to the John Taylor high School. My dad was a pro musician and my mum was a home help carer, at the age of 11 i decided i wanted to take up music and my parents bought me my first saxophone :D.

From that point i have never looked back, and i have never wanted to do anything else apart from music. from the age of 14 i started gigging with my dad around Birmingham, Oxford, Stoke and parts of Wales in working mens clubs (trust me Phoenix Nights got it very right! :D), these gigs were a great experience and i learnt a lot from that has helped in the past with other bands and different situations in gigs.

Once i reached 17 i took my grade 8 and passed, but it was also at this time that i started to get into Jazz, I was playing in a Youth Jazz Orchestra at the time and was loving it (although i wished i had practised my scales a lot more at that time!) and once i had reached my A-Levels i had decided that i wanted to do music at uni, with any luck in Jazz.

Once i finished school i moved down to Cornwall to study an Hnd in popular music for a year and then moved onto a Jazz degree course at the same college. I have to say that the 2 years i spent living in Truro have been the best so far, i met some fantastic people and have made some lasting friendships, i have played in some cracking bands and played just about everywhere in Cornwall. I am now just finishing my 2nd year on the Jazz course and now living in Exeter, Playing in a regular gigging Jazz Quartet and having a great time.

sadly though this year hasnt been great, my father passed away in Febuary and its not been easy, but i get on with life knowing that he would be very proud of what i have done and what i will do in the future with my music.

Well thats me pretty much up to date, thanks :cool:
Carzy said:
Interesting read, sounds like you had a lot of difficult things in your life, but things have turned out well for you, so that's good :) Good luck with the degree :)

Reading stuff like that is precisely why I don't see myself as courageous in the slightest (as Jenjey said, after reading my mini biography), people have gone through a lot worse than me, and I've actually been very lucky in how my life has ended up and is continuing to progress.

I think everyone has difficult things happen in their lives and I feel that mine has turned out better than I could have hoped :) I think it's about how you overcome difficulties that matters and actually dealing with them.
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