Who are you voting for on Thursday?

Save 30 million pounds a day, get rid of loads of red tape? No one has an answer when you turn the question around and ask what has the EU actually helped us with.

is it not 40 million per day?

At the moment, and I do mean at the moment, it might save us 30 mil but cost us more... I know that sometime this country is a little back to front but being in the EU at the moment is a good thing :)


so not really addressing his question RE: why being in the EU is a good thing. 'because it is/will be' is such a nursery school answer, the general public are sick of being spoken to like children and they want a party that will at least give them a choice unlike, for example, labour who claimed (as part of their political manifesto) that the British public would be allowed to vote on the EU constitution and then deny them that fundamental democratic right because basically they think were stupid and can't decide for ourselves.
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'Skinhead' - lol.

'I'm not racist', undoubtedly the last comment before a racist comment is uttered.

I actually take offence at that, but im not one to hold a grudge lol,

Really though im about as racist as I am Martian
Save 30 million pounds a day, get rid of loads of red tape? No one has an answer when you turn the question around and ask what has the EU actually helped us with.

Source on 30 mill please.
Red tape - ok but keen to see specific examples.
EU - this'll need some thought. I'll come back to you. Fair?
UKIP if anyone, but i don't think i'll vote at all considering the way politicians are, wouldn't see it being worth the 5 minutes of my time
Save 30 million pounds a day, get rid of loads of red tape? No one has an answer when you turn the question around and ask what has the EU actually helped us with.

And how exactly have you quantified the benefit to us being in the EU so that you can weigh it up against the £11bn we spend each year? It's not a simple case of this money being thrown away. There are so many benefits to having a single European market that I don't think anyone here is qualified to even begin to make an assessment of the pros and cons.

Which is why I'm not throwing away my vote to a bunch of morons who haven't done a proper analysis either.
And how exactly have you quantified the benefit to us being in the EU so that you can weigh it up against the £11bn we spend each year? It's not a simple case of this money being thrown away. There are so many benefits to having a single European market that I don't think anyone here is qualified to even begin to make an assessment of the pros and cons.

Which is why I'm not throwing away my vote to a bunch of morons who haven't done a proper analysis either.

no ones suggesting we shouldn't be involved in the European market, but the monster we have before us today is a very different beast from the one that was proposed and agreed with all those years ago.
I actually take offence at that, but im not one to hold a grudge lol,

Really though im about as racist as I am Martian

That's fine; surely you can't be shocked at peoples response to a skinhead who votes BNP? I bet this knee jerk response, which I admittedly did too, is a common response for you?
Lib Dems. I am very pro a more intergrated Europe in theory, but it does need some drastic reforms to make it more accountable.
You see the one thing that saddens me is that most people dont actually take the time to get both sides of the story, the media says "Oooooh the BNP bogeyman is bad, bad I tell thee" and the vast majority of the public swallow it without consideration, Personally im not disputing there past indiscretions as I dont know enough about them but in reading there policies they actually make a lot of sense, a lot more I feel than the other parties
Can I ask why? I mean they are just as bad as labour if not worse

Except labour are almost socialist scum and conservatives aren't...

Voting for VVD here, A Lib/Conservative party, I guess bout comparable to the UK conservatives and liberals, between them 2.

Green Party

nice, you want the world to go backwards and everyone to give up their nice big cars :rolleyes:.
Party's like that are the prime reason we get and have to comply to pathetic air quality laws from Brussels.
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[FnG]magnolia;14210567 said:
Source on 30 mill please.
Red tape - ok but keen to see specific examples.
EU - this'll need some thought. I'll come back to you. Fair?

In 2006, Britain's net contribution to the EC budget was £3.9bn


" Member countries pay a contribution to that budget every year, mainly depending on the wealth and size of their population"
they have not given the costs for 2007-2009 but £40mil sounds about right.
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That's fine; surely you can't be shocked at peoples response to a skinhead who votes BNP? I bet this knee jerk response, which I admittedly did too, is a common response for you?

Thats actually a very astute observation, Skinhead is a nickname ive had since school, probably because ive always had a shaven head... saves on wasting money in the barbers and can be done yourself, NW stands for North West, the region I live in.... but sure thanks to those scary little facist cretins who are convinced Hitler was great, we who love shaven heads do take abit of stick

Im going the way of the BNP, and no im not racist before you start...

Do you even realise who you're voting for?!

Exposed: ugly face of BNP's leaders

Salford-based BNP candidate in the European elections had set his Facebook status to read "**** go home". Eddy O'Sullivan, 49, wrote: "They are nice people - oh yeah - but can they not be nice people in the ******* Congo or... bongo land or whatever?" O'Sullivan, who also joined an internet group called "**** Islam"

Garry Aronsson, Griffin's running mate for the European parliament in the North West, posts an avatar on his personal web page featuring a Nazi SS death's head alongside the statement, "Speak English Or Die!" Aronsson proclaims on the site: "Every time you change your way of life to make immigrants more comfortable you betray OUR future!" He lists his hobbies as "devising slow and terrible ways of paying back the Guardian-reading ***** who have betrayed the British people into poverty and slavery. I AM NOT JOKING."

...the article continues.

I simply can't comprehend how anyone would want to give such horrible people, as many in the BNP seem to be, any support at all. :confused:
You see the one thing that saddens me is that most people dont actually take the time to get both sides of the story, the media says "Oooooh the BNP bogeyman is bad, bad I tell thee" and the vast majority of the public swallow it without consideration, Personally im not disputing there past indiscretions as I dont know enough about them but in reading there policies they actually make a lot of sense, a lot more I feel than the other parties

But their new policies are virtually identical to their previous ones, just dressed up in a different way. Can you not see this?

The BNP are tacitly racist. While they are able to convince you that they're not, it doesn't change the fact that their underlying agenda is white-biased. They'll never get enough power to do their worst, but them gaining more support is frightening enough as to what it says about the disillusioned youth of the country.

I would imagine, and I'm not being nasty here, that you are totally their target audience, and you have appeared to buy their new approach to the same old policy.
Thats actually a very astute observation, Skinhead is a nickname ive had since school, probably because ive always had a shaven head... saves on wasting money in the barbers and can be done yourself, NW stands for North West, the region I live in.... but sure thanks to those scary little facist cretins who are convinced Hitler was great, we who love shaven heads do take abit of stick

I suggest you read that again. It's gramatical errors galore.
To answer that ive done a fair bit of research on Europe, and in my opinion we would be far better off without it than in it... the shear amount of money we invest as opposed to what we receive is appaling, money I feel would be far better being invested in the NHS, Schools etc and the Military

Does your business case for quitting the EU cover the impact to UK businesses and their competitiveness?
If im registered to vote up here (find out tomrrow if i got it in on time) I get to prefference vote! (something im looking forward to as first past the post is a bit outdated and i cant wait for the fall of this style of gov. to allow for a change to pr)

Anyway, up here there are only 3 pro europe parties and as such they'll get my prefferences as green 1 sdlp 2 and alliance 3.

I really dont think voting UKIP/BNP will achive anything positive for democracy in britain, and more importantly trying to drag britain further away from Europe is going to have disasterous economic and (international) political consiquences.
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