Who else has broken thier MMO addiction?

14 Jul 2003
Ultima online - 6 years

DAOC - 4 years

Now I'm free and have been "clean" since the end of April, I even got SUNBURNT when it was sunny for the first time in ages. Seriously it's amazing how much more time you have for things when you ditch timesink games takes like this.

Incidentally I don't include time spent playing Planetside, WoW, Horizons, Eve etc :D
WWIIOL - 1 year and counting.

EVE Online - not started yet but thinking about it.

Hardly an addict by you hardcore player standards, so no real habit to break yet! :p
It's really good, addictive - especially if you are into the era.

Currently on patch 1.23, and it looks like 1.24 will bring great improvements.

Very realistic, with everything modelled with real damage factors etc.

My advice would be to try a 14 day trial when one comes around, team up with someone in game (let me know if you decide to play and I'll help you out), and join a squad - we would gladly run you through the first few confusing weeks to get you ranked up and up to speed.
ultima online - a year maybe
starwars galaxies - another year
world of warcraft - goodbye yet another year

ok so i dont think i have ever played an mmo for more than a year, i went for the more dont sleep for a week and do nothing but play warcraft approach which speeds up the whole process :D

haven't played wow since march... and dont intend to play an mmo again... i just have more important useful things to do with my life, like play bf2 ;)
miracleboy said:
It's really good, addictive - especially if you are into the era.

Currently on patch 1.23, and it looks like 1.24 will bring great improvements.

Very realistic, with everything modelled with real damage factors etc.

My advice would be to try a 14 day trial when one comes around, team up with someone in game (let me know if you decide to play and I'll help you out), and join a squad - we would gladly run you through the first few confusing weeks to get you ranked up and up to speed.

I played an MMORPG for about 2 years, best thing I ever did was quit.
I'm currently not playing one - although I'm waiting for any number of new ones to appear so I can try them out.

I started with Ultima Online soon after the US release - this was in the days of 28.8k connections to US only servers.
Cannot remember how many years I played UO for from release.
However it wasn't long after the game was ruined with "Power Hour" making what would normally take months to achieve possible in days.

I then moved to AO where I stayed for about a year until I logged in one day, realised all my main skills were capped again and there were some 15+ levels before I'd be able to add to them again.

I played a little AC at one stage - but really didn't enjoy it.

Played SWG from release but left after it was final revealed that the strange, unique and mysterious way to unlock the rare Jedi slot was to simply grind your way through all of the professions.

Played EQ2 from day of release for nearly a year and then left.

Played some Matrix Online which I enjoyed but it did become repetative.

Went back to EQ2 for the last major Expansion pack - I last logged into EQ2 about a month ago so I decided to log into the Control Panel and cancel that account about a week ago.

So I'm now MMORPG free but waiting so I can try the next "good looking" one from the beginning.
I used to laugh at stories of Everquest players getting sucked in, pulling sickies at work, ignoring friends and family...

Then I bought WoW.

I do play it for the 'raiding experience' now, but I wouldn't say I was overly addicted - it's more a case of filling spare time. Then again, it does fill rather a lot of 'spare time' :)
Played UO for nearly 3 years, stopping in 2002. A couple of years later I got the urge to load it up again but luckily they had made the game crap beyond belief so I was able to back out again sharpish without too much bother, phew that was close. However, I've been thinking of Eve of late. Must be in the genes to be prone to mmo addiction.
stoofa said:
Played EQ2 from day of release for nearly a year and then left.

Played some Matrix Online which I enjoyed but it did become repetative.

i played MXO til i got two top levels, and created the powerful(est)? faction there was, eventually having the entire faction banned due, to "ruining the game for others" and various other reasons.
4 Years playing daoc.
Went to WoW for about a year then back to daoc. Got forced to give it up because I did not have a net connection in my flat. Glad that happened to me because mmorpgs caused my irl/work to suffer.
I used to be addicted to Star Wars Galaxies, I played it since launch. Sony Online Entertainment broke that addiction for me by completely destroying the game in every way possible. :(
Ultima Online - 3 years
Everquest - 5 years
Everquest 2 - 1 year

I've been clean from MMGs for about 3months now, which is the longest since starting UO all those years ago.

Sadly I'm planning a reunion with my old EQ guild for Vanguard, it will be hard.
my first - EQ2 played for about 4 months before I realised I was bored.

About a month later my EQ2 buddies were raving about WoW - played for about 8 months before I quit my account about three weeks ago.

Am now engrossed in the City of Villians 14 day trial and so far I am liking it. Mainly I think because of the character creation process. I have spent about two days just playing with that and have created some cool characters (well I think so anyway).

Got my WoW main char to level 57 before I quit because you had to have a group with a healer for everything at that level, and couldn't be arsed to hang a round for two hours each time I wanted to do something so a healer could join our group.

I suspect something similar will happen with CoV but I will no doubt have fun in the mean time.

When CoV gets boring there will always be Eve.
Not strictly a true MMO, but Neverwinter Nights sucked me in for about a year during a crappy part of my life... wasted so many hours on it and will never again get into any MMO... complete waste of time imo.
Played EQ from 2000-2002 (best mmo experience ever) and after that DAoC for a few months but since then I haven't been able to play any of the new and old mmorpgs for more than a couple weeks before cancelling/uninstalling.

WoW only lasted a few days - found it so boring despite really wanting to like that game as most of my old EQ buddies play a lot. EQ2 lasted a week or two but again it just got boring. Think I stuck with Eve for about 2 days. Have tried getting back into EQ but it'd be like a climbing a mountain getting my character up to spec, and made harder due to being so far behind the progression wave.

I'd love to rekindle the old EQ feeling despite not having so much free time to play but I don't think it's gonna happen. Especially as I've lost contact with most of the old friends.

Ukadder, any chance of getting me in your Vanguard guild?
Exsomnis said:
I used to be addicted to Star Wars Galaxies, I played it since launch. Sony Online Entertainment broke that addiction for me by completely destroying the game in every way possible. :(

Yup same here, was an amazing game back in the day, now its just a mess, they should have left it as it was pre cu and pre gcw revamp :(
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