Who else has broken thier MMO addiction?

I've cut back recently
I used to have
DAOC (bleh)

now I'm down to just
Ultima Online - On and off for near 5 years.... cancelled a few months ago but hadn't played seriously for a long long long time but I couldn't bear to lose my house in Skara :o
Anarchy Online - On and off probably about 2 years. started again early this years but it didn't last

.....found WoW instead though and so hours, days and weeks of my life are lost again :p ;)
VeNT said:
only 177 days till carriers

:) Nice :p I was on 180 days till *** Wyvern, but had to add several months onto that for all the lvl 5 drone skills. Now I am distracted for 65 days finishing up the leadership skills. :(
VaderDSL said:
:) Nice :p I was on 180 days till *** Wyvern, but had to add several months onto that for all the lvl 5 drone skills. Now I am distracted for 65 days finishing up the leadership skills. :(
I've taken a bit out so I can train command ships and med projectile spech
VeNT said:
I've taken a bit out so I can train command ships and med projectile spech

damn that would be awesome :p still need to get cruiser lvl 5 lol ... although my gunnery skills are abysmal! Anyone in here would be able to kill me 1v1
VaderDSL said:
damn that would be awesome :p still need to get cruiser lvl 5 lol ... although my gunnery skills are abysmal! Anyone in here would be able to kill me 1v1
yeah, its somthing I've wanted to do, I'm gonna train hard on guns as I've got very little (relativly) in there compaired to drones and missiles
lol in order to end my MMO love i played EVE and the Beta for dark and light.

Those 2 games stopped 9 years of addiction in less than a month !

terrible, terrible games.
only really ever played 3.

KO - was my first mmo and i still play it form time to time as i have some good friends on there. (around 3 years).
GW - bought it and played it but couldnt get into it.
WoW - currently stuck on this for over a year now, funny thing is i'm enjoying it more now than i was 3 months ago.
Ultima - 1 year
EQ - 2 years
DAOC - 3 years
Lineage 2 - 1 year

Been clean for the past 2 years and really will never play a mmorpg again (no matter how tempting).
Final Fantasy XI - 3 Years (I weep when i look at total hours)

Still have the account active but havn't played in a month or so because i formatted computer and can't be bothered waiting 4 hours to dl and install updates ><
Daoc - 2 years ish
SWG- 1year 5months (ish)
Planetside - year and half
Lineage2 - On and off for a year
Everquest 2 - a week :P
Eve-Online 3 months
Wow - a year ish
Guild Wars (if you can call it a mmo) 3 weeks
RF online - 2 weeks
Beta - D&D

Back to Eve again this week ..lol as im off work needed something else to play :E
probs cancle it in a month as im going back to work next week , hate going back to work after a holiday :P
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I played EQ for 5 years, I think it was more burning out than breaking an addiction. It got to the point where I was putting EQ before other things in my life and that's when it had to stop, it helped that the latest expansion was utter tripe :)

Now I don't have the attention span for MMO's or games in general to play them like I used to in EQ. I still play EVE but I value my fitness, diet, social lifestyle etc. too much to be consumed by a game ever again as much as EQ did to me.
Played these damn things since the early MUDS.

Tried every MMO out but was horribly addicted to UO and EQ for years. Used to get up early in the morning just to get an hour or so before work, that kind of thing.

Still playing them but more casually although when LOTRO comes out I'm sure I'll be spending far too much time with that.
Shmo said:
Ukadder, any chance of getting me in your Vanguard guild?

At the moment were not accepting anyone to the guild until the game has offically been released. I'll happly post which server we will start on thou if you fancy trying to join when it's released.

Were a euro raiding guild, did a few game wide 1st in EQ and most of the server firsts, were really puppy dogs when you get to know us thou! :cool:
Sounds good. Have you got a guild forum or anything? Trying to think of the best way of making contact - vanguard is a way off and chances are I'll forget.
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