Who else has broken thier MMO addiction?

Galaxies owned me hard.

I put it before EVERYTHING, it's all I'd think about all day. Then it killed itself. It was actually almost as bad as losing a loved one, sounds really stupid but it's true.

I want it back :( I just hope Bioware pull something out of their sack.
TBH i was quite lucky because my first MMO was planetside (at release - i played from public beta onwards) and they broke it for me, making giving it up the obvious choice when i left for uni at the end of summer!

Even though its not really MMO Diablo 2 keeps calling me back to play every year or so! That and HL1 have been amazing value for money purchases when i think back to it!!
goto uni, get into shoddy halls that can't handle giving you anything over 256k connection, that sorts out any online addictions!
cleaned me of WoW, played it literally soon as i got up until i went to bed with breaks for the bog and food and let the missus nag me :o uni has its helping ways!
I played Legend of mir 2 from beta (July) off/on 4 years odd. Jumped to Lineage 2 for 9months +. Then started WoW and played for a year but didn't have time for the high end raiding.

Now I just jump on Xbox live or do other things and tbh I don't really miss the actual RPG gaming, just the chat etc which you can do in other ways anyway.

My friend is trying to get me to play city of villains but I'm resisting. Sometimes I wish I've never wasted so much time on RPG's but then I realise I met some good friends online and had some goods times so not all wasted.
I've re-gained my MMO addiction thanks to friends playing WoW again and I finally want a character above 40th level. I usually play about four or five hours a night although I've gained a bit of a social life again at the weekend so it's cut the amount I play by about 10 hours a week.

I've tried a lot of other MMORPG's but WoW just seems to have it done right. I've played Dark Age of Camelot, Matrix Online, EVE Online, Star Wars Galaxies (what a disappointment in all versions), RF Online, Everquest 2 and Planetside.

At the moment I'm looking forward to Pirates of the Burning Sea and Lord of the Rings Online. Roma Victor also looks interesting.
yr 7 - late yr8. Dransik..

The tattiest 2d rpg but hideously addictive thing you'd ever play..

Screen I got through google.. I wasted so much time on that pos.. at least it wasn't completely ridiculous though, I was still in the rugby A team and had a social life :p

Never again :p
RaMDOM said:
my first - EQ2 played for about 4 months before I realised I was bored.

About a month later my EQ2 buddies were raving about WoW - played for about 8 months before I quit my account about three weeks ago.

Am now engrossed in the City of Villians 14 day trial and so far I am liking it. Mainly I think because of the character creation process. I have spent about two days just playing with that and have created some cool characters (well I think so anyway).

Got my WoW main char to level 57 before I quit because you had to have a group with a healer for everything at that level, and couldn't be arsed to hang a round for two hours each time I wanted to do something so a healer could join our group.

I suspect something similar will happen with CoV but I will no doubt have fun in the mean time.

When CoV gets boring there will always be Eve.

RaMDOMis so right

I have never stopped subbing to eve.its gotta be 2/3 years now, but am always willing to give other MMo's a go.

CoV intrigues me

tried EQ2 but it was early and so buggy/annoying and complicated.

I got a major addiction to WOW,so much so that i ended up getting sick from lack of daily routine(eating and sleeping).then ganking system came in and the game became a 12 y/o gankfest so i quit.(other reasons were end game for a hunter)

RaMDOM sounds like a MMo gamer like myself.

hope to catcha around on some servers matey
Played quite a few MMORPGs in the past 5 years or so.
Started with Everquest 1 in 2001, played that through till when I quit mid 2003 during my A Levels. Came back briefly but never quite got back into it.
Played DAOC briefly just before the WoW beta was released. Just played it with a couple of friends.
Tried WoW beta at the start of 2005 and then went onto playing it when it was launched for about 8 months. Got bored of that because it just didn't feel challenging and a few friends quit.
Went backwards and forwards to WoW a few times, dabbled with PvP servers, currently my account is inactive.
Tried Eve:Online last summer, enjoyed it for the couple of months I played it but couldn't really afford to keep playing it.
No MMORPGs for a few months after that. Then after I got a job at Christmas, I resubscribed to WoW for a bit. Got bored of that again.
In the past month I've gone back to Everquest 1 with the launch of the progression server immient, and I'm quite happy to stay there at the moment :)

Besides that, I've also dabbled with Ultima Online, Lineage 2, Asheron's Call 2, and some others I've forgotten :o
Nine months of Jumpgate, followed by a year of Eve and then another year of World of Warcraft.

If they've taught me one thing, it's that life is too short and too precious to squander on these types of things. Besides, I prefer playing games that exercise my dexterity these days. Ouenden and Trauma Centre! Yeah!
n3crius said:
Asheron's Call!

I loved this game. And always will!

I was in the AC beta, it was great! The only reason I stopped playing AC was because all my friends were playing Everquest and I was lonely :(
Ultima Online 5 years.
Star Wars Galaxies 2 years.
Final Fantasy XI - still play since it was launched first day in the US.
World Of Warcraft 14 months.

But Counterstrike 1.6 hmm far far to long still play and can still see myself playing it in years to come :s I reckon if the game keeps going I could clock up 10 years of my life playing CS.
wyrdo said:
I was in the AC beta, it was great! The only reason I stopped playing AC was because all my friends were playing Everquest and I was lonely :(

There's always that 'first mmo' thing but I'm convinced AC is still the best mmo experience I've had. It's like everything since has been dumbed down, made easy to play for the masses etc.

I kinda miss distributing my points across my skills and having a completely unique template. I don't care that the graphics are looking dated - if the community was still there or the servers reset, I'd play it over any other mmo that's available!
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