Who here plays Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Forever?

Still play now and again with some mates although a LAN we organised last summer descended into essentially an SC:FA (FAF) LAN as that was all the 6 of us ended up playing non stop for days on end - it was heaven!

First played Sup Comm when it came out originally and we loved Forged Alliance and it's amazing to see the community still going strong with FAF!

I'm not that good at the mass economic expansion but do enjoy a good robot smashing session mostly on survival maps these days although we do some games Vs AI ( Sorian AI and now M28).

Always play UEF personally as I do love to turtle haha

A man after my own heart :D :cry: haha same turtling up for the long fight is MUCH FUN - next time you have a big FAF LAN can I join pretty please ? xD haha
I played Supreme Commander on Steam for lots of 2024. It still plays online via Steam Servers.

I got the games on release back in 2006 and 2007. I was previously hooked on Dawn of War 1, and the Necron expansion for that game.

I remember when Gas Powered Games shut-off the original multiplayer server. I think as an act of mercy GPG moved the online multi-player onto Steam.

I miss playing SC:FA. Think when I get my new GPU (7900XT coming tomorrow). I may test it, though it will be overkill (7900XT) for that game of course! But boy that game is CPU dependent...
Always play UEF personally as I do love to turtle haha
I always capture the construction bots/vehicles for the other races to get their experimentals aswell. Cybron ones are great. I always loved the T-Rex/Dino on Sup 2.

FA is such a great game and a re shame Cris Taylor never made a proper sequel (I don’t count Sup2).
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I played Supreme Commander on Steam for lots of 2024. It still plays online via Steam Servers.

I got the games on release back in 2006 and 2007. I was previously hooked on Dawn of War 1, and the Necron expansion for that game.

I remember when Gas Powered Games shut-off the original multiplayer server. I think as an act of mercy GPG moved the online multi-player onto Steam.

I miss playing SC:FA. Think when I get my new GPU (7900XT coming tomorrow). I may test it, though it will be overkill (7900XT) for that game of course! But boy that game is CPU dependent...

I had no idea people still pay vanilla, I thought FAF was the only way to play now, I'm so used to some FAF units though I consider them base game now, couldn't go back to vanilla! lol

Yeah it'll play fine on any pc, my 5700x3d & 6800xt are great to play it.

But yes enough units with mods, will bring any CPU to its knees! - my cpu score is 100 in FAF lobby, I think the latest 9800X3D gets about 65. I can't wait for the day we get under 10 CPU scores! :D
i have a feeling once shattered suns is relased the team will start wind down faf. from what i remember a lot of core FAF team are working on Shattered Sun.

i did try the original SuCom camaign but i found the game slow in comparison to FAF some how.

My mates used to hate my T3 gunship spam (or just precision crashing a flying saucer into their commander :cry: )
I was partial to Hawk spams. Had to stop myself doing it at times it made the game vs AI so easy.

Edit: The hawks were TA now I’m thinking about it.
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Played plenty of FA and still enjoy game even today. But I've never tried FAF. Looking at the website it seems I'm missing out on a load of things
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