Who is looking forward to GTA V

OMG, the traffic density is rubbish so is the pedestrian population too, sending my pre-order back. R* have conned everyone, nothing but a shoddy port from old gen.

OMG, the traffic density is rubbish so is the pedestrian population too, sending my pre-order back. R* have conned everyone, nothing but a shoddy port from old gen.


IGN says there are more cars, not rush hour traffic amount but enough to notice if you drive in the opposite way down the freeway and there are more of them.
Just had a quick go on the Xbox One version at my neighbours and I'm happy. If my PS4 version is like that then I'm even happier. :)
I am looking forward to playing it on my x1 , but i can see myself getting bored having t do the missions again as i almost completed it on the 360.
First person is awful as default because auto aim is on, turn that off in the options and it's nice and responsive.
This month is becoming very expensive month, it's a beast of a month game wise! I was going to wait, but I wanted the million bucks included with pre-orders!
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