Who is looking forward to GTA V

For people saying that because they are both 1080P and 30FPS that they are identical.

The PS4 version seems to be running at higher settings.


PS4 version is obviously the one with more denser grass.

Source please or are they your own screenies?
Looking closer, especially the outside stuff, there seems to be more scenery on the PS4 on 1 of 2 shots. Still, not something I doubt I would notice when playing.
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I ordered online because i got it for £35.

Yep, same reason. I can go to the store and get a lot of stuff by having my pants pulled down and paying over the odds but I don't because I can save money by waiting an extra hour for the postman to deliver it (or getting it early which to me isn't a bonus). I do not recall buying a game in a shop in the last 10 years.
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been playing all day and the game is amazing! the graphics really are spot on i feel for next gen.

I have just seen another small update is trying to download but it keeps coming up failed when i try to install, anyone else have this on ps4?
I was having a good mooch last night in the forests etc and didn't see it as sparce as in that gif (xbone). If any thing it looked more like the ps4 part of the gif!
I found this, the graphics is very close but PS4 seems to have more contrast between the light and dark areas mainly, I wouldn't think too much about it.


Yeah I was having a chuckle at the comments yesterday when this was posted on their website and on youtube regarding the XB1 version looking better due to the differences in gamma/brightness/contrast/colour saturation.

Apparently it makes the XB1 version better due to how the game engine and the console interpret colour....many of them failed to realise the whole argument is irrelevant as you can change all this on your telly. But NO! the XB1 version is clearly better! I did have a little chuckle.

Im waiting to see what Digital Foundry find out and that screenie gif above is questionable imo, could just be a fanboy claiming its the current gen consoles being compared, when in actual fact its just a screenie from the last gen.
Ah good old fickle gamers, lets not be happy that we have a great game with better graphics, let us argue over who has more blades of grass :rolleyes:
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