Who is looking forward to GTA V

Urgh well Royal Mail have let me down... got left one of those annoying little red cards saying that, I quote, it was "too fat" to fit through the letter box which is bs. They have instead delivered it to to local depot which is miles away and has ridiculous opening times despite the fact that my local post office is right next to my ******* door. Not amused!

Same happened to me, although they didn't even card me, I am going to get it from a supermarket and just refuse the delivery, when it does show up, I don't know why amazon wouldn't use a signed for service rather than just basic first class, especially when they item is worth £40!
For people like me who can't transfer their online characters, here is the latest update from Rockstar.

11/18/14 Update: We are currently addressing this issue with a patch for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 users. This patch is available for download, but may not be available in your region for the next few hours. If you attempt to download the patch and see a “CE-32937-4” error, please attempt to download the patch again later today. This issue will be addressed for Xbox One and Xbox 360 users by tomorrow. Affected PlayStation®4 and Xbox One players can still log in to Grand Theft Auto Online but will not be able to transfer characters until the fix is in place.
Can't download the patch on my PS4, CE-32937-4 error.

A great start we have here.

I had that problem, not sure if this will help you but this is what I did :

Deleted the message in the download directory.
Highlighted the game on the dashboard and selected "check for update"
quickly choose the 'go to downloads" and pause it.
go to setting and uncheck connect to internet
go back to the download and try to resume, it wont so wait a sec and pause it
go back to settings and re-check connect to internet
go back to the download and unpause

A long work around but it worked..
I had a brain fart and ordered the digital version of GTA V.. well, I'm on 160Mb download speed so it should only take 40 mins to an hour to DL 50GB.

I'm reaching about 300Kbps, or less than 1GB per hour. At this rate it should be done by Friday.

Anyone else having such wonderful download speeds on PSN?
Psn downloads last night for me where uber rapid. even psn store was near instant. I however got this game on disc, soon as my daughter is in bed I'll give the game a whirl.

interesting to read df now have fps test and they say the ps4 has better lens flare, and keeps to 30 fps near solid and x1 dips but both are near as damnit 30 fps, yet gamespot said ps4 version has frame rate dips... Hmmm

and have to laugh at grass gate.. red dead redemption anyone? Who remembers that face off lol
Well the controls menu is extensive to say the least. Think I need to lower sensitivity a tad especially when driving in first person mode, all over the road :D
I had that problem, not sure if this will help you but this is what I did :

Deleted the message in the download directory.
Highlighted the game on the dashboard and selected "check for update"
quickly choose the 'go to downloads" and pause it.
go to setting and uncheck connect to internet
go back to the download and try to resume, it wont so wait a sec and pause it
go back to settings and re-check connect to internet
go back to the download and unpause

A long work around but it worked..

I tried continuously hammering it and it eventually worked, downloading now, all be it very slowly!
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