who is your favourite 'ASMR' streamer?

ASMR? No idea what that is and not wasting my time searching.

Next time don't be so lazy, don't post abbreviations for random unknown things.


After seven years, I’ve finally found a use for this meme.
Is this thread topic for real? or did they start it so they can laugh at the people with serious replies
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sheesh this forum has gone down hill with threads like this

Tell me about it!

Explain ASMR, bear in mind I'm in my 40s.

I had to look it up as well. Seemingly from the responses from other readers here, it supposed to be for relaxation or erotic purposes. I don't get it though.

Not really. But a trip to your psychiatrist is probably the best bet.

Fixed :p

Jesus, this is actually a thing people watch? wtaf!

I misread the title and thought the OP was generally asking who our favourite streamers were i.e. gaming videos. I watch people who play online slots (online versions of fruit machines). It's fairly boring to watch but kinda relaxing too, watching it and hearing the repetitive sounds for 20 minutes before hitting the hay.
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