Who remebers UO or still plays?

I'm an old UO vet here. Used to play on Europa, although I kept a pretty low profile on there (ie wasn't a bank-sitter). I played for five years until the famed Publish 16 came into effect and killed the game for me.

I logged on in the 14-day trial and my characters were still there, but the game has changed face so much that it is barely recognisable anymore. I used to play on a free shard but haven't played at all since WoW came along. I really miss the uniqueness of the skill system in UO, and the varied PvP. Actually, I miss it all and would kill to have my characters over on an official server that is pre-pub 16.
I used to play on a free server with some friends, it was an identical copy to the official servers and was great fun but the team that run the server broke up and the server was shut.

I have on several occasions reinstalled it, spent a week trawling to find a decent server based on the old systems and rules but all i can find is rubbish! All the new free ones seem to be over the top, have absolutely NO user manual as to let the users know what they rules are and what has changed since the original.

What i wouldnt give to spend an hour mining on my old server (read 8 hours as you really loose time on this game), instead, off to EVE to mine :D

PS: If you either have the knowledge or are willing to learn it is fairly simple to get a basic shard up and running.
hhehehehe even this thread has gotten me pining for the good old days of ultima online (also played on europa but for nowhere near as long as 5 years)

it was definately a simplier time.. the first, and most probably best mmorpg i will ever play
eww, I'd die if I had to play with those graphics. Isometric is fine but having a game using orphographic graphics is a headache inducer
there was absolutely nothing wrong with the graphics at all, simple and effective and as such created NO graphical bugs, unlike the majority of todays MMORPGs!
i used to play europa too!

every new patch you could make loads of cash selling NEW items as RARES!!! down to the bank sitters.

We also developed our own scam.

We would be selling our house in Fel near Yew gate.

We would make them put their cheques in the bag for 'security purposes' and then my hidden theife freind would steal the bag!!

we made quite a few million and couldnt be banned because we hadnt broken any rules and hadnt abused a game mechanic in any way (eg duping etc)

we did well for a month or so then they made cheques in bags still blessed!!
Ah the good old days. I stopped playing full time when I got a job and sold my Castle on Ice Isle (fel) for $1000 USD :D I played for a bit after but slowly lost interest when I couldnt play for 12 hrs a day.

Greatest game ever made IMO and the greatest MMORPG. Its shame Ever Quest was more widely publicised otherwise the MMORPG industry wouldnt be the "Leveling skill" hell it is now :( Much better have it skill % based with practice and game play rather than ghey quests.

I really REALLY want to run my own shard, I have the hardware and the bandwidth through my job just no time to develop it. Just need to get a team of dedicated people to volunteer their time.
I joined with the release of Lord Blackthorn's Revenge. Absolutely addicted to it I was, playing until 4am quite often. Stunning gameplay, great feelings of achievement when you levelled up - it was completely immersive. It's all to easy to ignore it from screenshots but it really was superb.

Then came the Age of Shadows.. sounded ok, more housing, new 3D engine etc. But sadly it ruined the game for me. Everyone became cartoony and 3D overnight, everyone became necromancers, and everyone had a house in Malas...

I heard that now EA have bought Mythic they have announced a new UO game. Lets hope they've learnt from their mistakes.

I keep going back to my characters on Europa from time to time when a trial pops up, but its almost unrecognisable, everyone has neon pink swords and power jewellery :(

I'll freely admit that I was a trammelite though :p
I'm macroing as we speak on OSI (Europa) :) I used to play on the free shards such as burstfire, DeusOvis etc. I've played for around 5-6 years now also!!
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Hmm i played UO as

Sirlagsalot, Efour, Missdigsalot

Sat at brit bank a bit when i wasnt robbing peoples ships, disarm theiving brit moongate. I knew a few of the real sad people that did the rares and stuff. That was my first MMO and the best.

Guards! guards! i pay my taxes where are the guards!!
DailyGeek said:
I joined with the release of Lord Blackthorn's Revenge. Absolutely addicted to it I was, playing until 4am quite often. Stunning gameplay, great feelings of achievement when you levelled up - it was completely immersive. It's all to easy to ignore it from screenshots but it really was superb.

Then came the Age of Shadows.. sounded ok, more housing, new 3D engine etc. But sadly it ruined the game for me. Everyone became cartoony and 3D overnight, everyone became necromancers, and everyone had a house in Malas...

I heard that now EA have bought Mythic they have announced a new UO game. Lets hope they've learnt from their mistakes.

I keep going back to my characters on Europa from time to time when a trial pops up, but its almost unrecognisable, everyone has neon pink swords and power jewellery :(

I'll freely admit that I was a trammelite though :p

LoL such a newb, I think I had actually stopped playing properlly by the time you started. I bought AOS and had a poke about but it was unrecognisable.

Back before Fel/Tram were the days. I started playing with the T2A expansion which I guess is for about 2 - 4 years before you started? Either way you missed the game in its glory days.
I remember the good old UO days, started playing in 1997 on Catskills and then played for a year or so on Europa until I started playing EQ.

Went back a little bit when AoS was released as my uni housemate started playing and I got interested again, the place just seemed empty without life thou so that didn't last to long, not a patch on the UO of old.
Efour2 said:
Hmm i played UO as

Sirlagsalot, Efour, Missdigsalot

Sat at brit bank a bit when i wasnt robbing peoples ships, disarm theiving brit moongate. I knew a few of the real sad people that did the rares and stuff. That was my first MMO and the best.

Guards! guards! i pay my taxes where are the guards!!

Omg Lagsy I remember you! I played as Octavious, Naros, Heltersmelter and TMan. We were in XoX together back when Tashar ran it, Guildhouse outside of Ocllo. I dunno if you remember me but I remember you :)
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