Who remebers UO or still plays?

Btw, to any that are still playing on Europa, does Lord Ulysses still smith at the northern Brit Blacksmith? He was still there when I went back to the game on a trial about 2 years ago. I think he makes a living out of it, selling his earnings on Ebay. Was wondering if he still did it.

Edit: He must still be playing because on UO.com his character is showing up on the char pages - here.
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*waits on Kainz appearing*

both use to play on Europa as well must admit I'm still tempted to subscribe again, unlike most MMORPGs that i've played it just generally did the job, was fun and you didn't feel like you had to compete to do things. Granted it's changed a bit now but I loved it pre-publish16. It's probably the top of my "best games of all time", I have so many fantastic memories of it and I helped drag mates into UO which started them off playing MMORPGs.

I've noticed a lot of the more modern MMORPGs still taking tips from the old master that is Ultima Online.
I played a lot from Dec 99 right through til around the same time 03, was a greta game until UO:R then everything went waaaaaaay dwon hill and the game filled with carebears. :(
Drake said:
I played a lot from Dec 99 right through til around the same time 03, was a greta game until UO:R then everything went waaaaaaay dwon hill and the game filled with carebears. :(

Nothing wrong with carebears.

It was when i logged in after not playing for a while and there was just magic stuff everywhere, ruins etc. My manual no longer meant anything, and it was just so hard to learn each new servers rules.
Well the only thing wrong with everyone turning carebear was Fel emptied very quickly. Although it was nice to have the chance to get away from the 2 PKs who lived next door to my lil guilds guildhouse. : p
lol hello mate.

Small world i just spoke to Mingus Mullingus says hello, remember him lol

Im still looking for the perfect MMO after UP all them years ago :D
anyone ever have a tamer?

i remember me and a friend schooling a few who came to fell with WW.

was brillaint they kept comming back over and over and we ruined them!!
Played for over 7 years (from beta) .
Mainly on Europa but some Df as well . Was a Smurf for 14 months till they closed the program ..
Still love it but and have fond memorys but i dont play anymore.. Still have all my accounts (13) but i would guess all my houses have gone (along with millions of bods/ingots/regs)
Ladt few years i played i just macroed on 5 different accounts .. Mostly doing bods to get runic kits for pvp and ingots to sell.

I play wow now and although its not UO it keeps me busy enough .

Old chars that some may remeber were

Lord Highlander (Legendary Smith/Tailor) (I gmed smith 2 days after Ully)

And loads more that i wont bore you with .


Efour2 said:
lol hello mate.

Small world i just spoke to Mingus Mullingus says hello, remember him lol

Im still looking for the perfect MMO after UP all them years ago :D

Haha yeah I remember Mingus. So you guys aren't playing any other MMO's atm?
Noxis said:
LoL such a newb, I think I had actually stopped playing properlly by the time you started. I bought AOS and had a poke about but it was unrecognisable.

Back before Fel/Tram were the days. I started playing with the T2A expansion which I guess is for about 2 - 4 years before you started? Either way you missed the game in its glory days.

Yep, like I said, I actually admit to being a trammelite, but I don't give a toss, I enjoyed it regardless. I probably played a different game to you but the experience was no less great for me I can assure you. It was simply awesome. I'm not much of an MMO pvper anyway, so it was fine for me.
CHokKA said:
Haha yeah I remember Mingus. So you guys aren't playing any other MMO's atm?

lol nah I think the next one will be Pirates of the Burning sea. We wanna dress up in feathered hats and scream yaaaar a lot.
DailyGeek said:
Yep, like I said, I actually admit to being a trammelite, but I don't give a toss, I enjoyed it regardless. I probably played a different game to you but the experience was no less great for me I can assure you. It was simply awesome. I'm not much of an MMO pvper anyway, so it was fine for me.

I was only jokin with ya :p Bringing a bit of the UO "pwnage" culture to the OCUK forums ;)

I am serious - if skilled people want to volunteer to help run a shard I am more than happy to provide hardware and proffesional hosting.
Well it all depends on what skills you are looking for Noxis. I've never been involved in running a shard but I'd certainly be interested, especially since all the others I've ever played on seem to lose the UO focus and feel the need to add extra stuff despite UO being a self-contained game in itself with a whole host of stuff. Let us know what you think will be needed and we'll see how much interest we can garner.
ill help out if you want, played on a few free-shards as a gm before, great tool to use is Pandora's box for it if i remember right.
CHokKA said:
Where did you go to activate a trial DailyGeek?

There is a 14day trial on the www.uo.com site.

Trying to reactivate my old account tbh but the sodding ea billing system doesn't want to accept my solo card even though im inputting all the details it keeps saying i've not completed all the necessary fields!! grrr
I think that 14-day demo is for new players only isn't it? Are you talking about the link on the right side of the screen, or a different one?
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