Who remebers UO or still plays?

Rick_Barnes said:
so who remembers UO or still plays it?

I played UO from Beta - this is when there were no UK servers and here in the UK a good 14.4k Internet connection was the best you could really get without it costing hundreds a month.

Played for many years, even when Trammel went Live I stayed.
A combination of two things eventually forced me out:

1. When I got my GM Smith/Tailor it took me over a year in real time to get to that status.
We were professionals (even when they were alt characters) and we'd done our time.
It was a long road but you were well respected at the end of it.
"Power Hour" meant people could effectively get to the same level in a week or two and everyone had their own Smith/Tailor/Carpenter etc.

2. I earnt my money either through my well earnt trade skills or risking monsters AND PK'ers in the dungeons.
I couldn't get a big building because I didn't have the cash when the space was available.
Because money was so abundent post Trammel, me failing again to get that "Tower of my dreams" even in Trammel and losing out to people who had been farming gold in dungeons without fear of death (no PK'ers in Trammel) for only a few months was enough.
Long term players should have been given more chance of placing, especially as the one building per account was already in place by the time Trammel went live for housing.
I've just found a really awesome freeshard (yes, they're legal Dons) that I'm gonna be giving a try this evening. It runs on pre-AoS expansions (so no Trammel, no Ilshenar etc) and is fully focused to the way UO was originally supposed to be. If anyone is interested in joining me on this shard then let me know, perhaps we can get a Guild up and running and relive the old days of UO greatness :)
CHokKA said:
Well it all depends on what skills you are looking for Noxis. I've never been involved in running a shard but I'd certainly be interested, especially since all the others I've ever played on seem to lose the UO focus and feel the need to add extra stuff despite UO being a self-contained game in itself with a whole host of stuff. Let us know what you think will be needed and we'll see how much interest we can garner.

Well the skills that would be needed are for scripting things for running with the emulator. GMing is easy and volunteers easy to find, its the creation of the shard and scripts and populating the world, balancing the PvP - ensuring that the spells do the correct damage etc... thats what is tough and takes time.
Well I'm afraid that I'd be useless at scripting. As I mentioned above though, I've just stumbled across a freeshard that sounds exactly what I'm looking for. It's pre-UO:AoS (so UO, T2A and UO:R but no Trammel) and I think I'm gonna give it a go this evening. If anyone else is up for it, let me know and I'll send you the details. I don't want to post them here because it might be against the rules, although I doubt it.
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