Who wants Dark Souls on PC?

He's not a troll, he actually thinks like that. That is actually how his brain works.

My god...

~50k, great!
Get in!

It's still a "believe it when I see it" scenario for me, but that's progress. I was beginning to wonder if that Admin had been hung, drawn and quartered.
Pleased to see a reply.

shoupinou said:
I honestly wasn't expecting such a massive support. My boss(es) even came to talk to me about this, after it explodes all around the world. If you wanted to have the attention of Namco Bandai Games, now you have it.
The future is in your hands, and I hope you will keep supporting this.
I make a personal objective to make sure every relevant people in Namco Bandai Games is in touch with this formidable effort.
Great Thanks!

Sounds promising although I'm not going to be deluded and take that as a yes. Huge way to go from talking about it, although it's a large step forward from not.
Have you people signing away played this game? It hard as ****, too hard in fact i gave up, It has huge potential but was stupidly hard which made it no fun at all.

grow up?

Gotta love trolls like iamtheoneneo, and people are falling for it.

but i raised a VALID point

He's not a troll, he actually thinks like that. That is actually how his brain works.

very true im not going to apologise for pointing out the obvious, im sorry if people dont like hearing that. I live in the real world last time I checked not some delusional PC fanboy island

To add:
I will personally eat me words and donate £50 to charity if this game sells even anywhere near 60K on the PC in its first couple of weeks- Anybody can stick their name on an online form, but I doubt they will cough up the £25+ to play it - Petitions mean jack all.

So go ahead feel free to save this post and come find me if and when it gets released after the first 2 weeks and tell me I was wrong. I will then happily provide you proof of my donation - money where my mouth is.
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Have you people signing away played this game? It hard as ****, too hard in fact i gave up, It has huge potential but was stupidly hard which made it no fun at all.

Agree that it's hard but you need to have a differant mindset for this game. You can not run and gun it. You need to give it respect for what it is and you will be rewarded.

Agree that it's hard but you need to have a differant mindset for this game. You can not run and gun it. You need to give it respect for what it is and you will be rewarded.


I played it on the xbox, I tried the run and gun approach like normal didn't work. I had to sit back sometimes, take a look and think tactically about how I was going to overcome some situations, sometimes it took me like 20 odd attempts to do something having to tweaks what I was doing every time. It was great.
You tell a person to grow up and continue to go on about donating to charity if you're wrong.

There are no words.

Yes because im BACKING UP my views, not just spouting rubbish for the sake of it? How is that in anyway a wrong thing to do? Please do enlighten me on the subject..

People seem to be getting way to tetchy about this...christ on a bike.
I don't always agree with Total Biscuit, and he's got a slightly annoying voice at times, but I can't disagree with him, PC is home of the 'elitist, hardcore' nut. Games like Dark Souls would definately seem to have a potential userbase on the PCs just as big as the hardcore userbase on the consoles.

Signed, I'm always up for anything that brings a decent game to another platform, as long as it doesnt harm the product in any way.
Signed, been interested in this game since hearing about it so would love the chance to play it on the pc. The difficulty of the game sounds very appealing to me, there are way too many titles that just hold your hand throughout these days, a challenge is always welcome.
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