Poll: Who will you be voting for on May 5th?

Which political party will you vote for?

  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 187 20.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 311 34.1%
  • Labour

    Votes: 161 17.6%
  • Regional Party (Plaid Cymru, SNP, etc.)

    Votes: 23 2.5%
  • Issues Party (BNP, Greens, UKIP)

    Votes: 45 4.9%
  • Independent candidate

    Votes: 5 0.5%
  • Abstaining from voting

    Votes: 107 11.7%
  • Not eligible for voting

    Votes: 74 8.1%

  • Total voters
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singist said:
All apathetic people who don't vote should not be allowed to whine as they do...

I agree that they (politcians) are mostly a pile of poo but if you want things to change, you have to change 'em by voting.

I am not directing this to you personally, but to all the people in this thread who have commented in a similar manner.

I accept nothing will change unless I vote, however I am not voting because:

1. I do not trust any of the parties to deliver on their promises. Things *won't* change with the current crop of parties. So voting for any one of them will change nothing - they are all equally crap IMHO.

2. I do not believe politicians generally have my best interests or the best interests of the country at heart - it's all about power for them at the end of the day.

3. Please do not categorise my stance as whining. I am not whining and it's very unfair to suggest I am. If a party existed that I truely believed would turn the country around then rest assured I'd be first in the line to try and get them in. But there isn't. At least from my own POV.

I hope that clears things up. No flames please, I respect you all for your decisions and views so extend me the same courtesey.
The Mad Rapper said:
The Mad Rapper said:
I am not directing this to you personally, but to all the people in this thread who have commented in a similar manner.

I accept nothing will change unless I vote, however I am not voting because:

I understand and partly agree with some of your points, but your not even going to vote out of respect for those who've died to give you the freedom of choice to actually exercise that vote?
Generally it seems tax on a whole under the tories would go down and spending cut which im all for as far to much money is just thrown at problems. Im sick of hearing about education, there are other important issues aside from ruddy education there are also well paid jobs for those who dont go to university, something which this goverment just dont beleive. All that really bothers me at *** end of the day is will i ahev more money in my pocket. The truth will probably be no either which way we vote but i think there is a bigger chance by voting conservative as Labour just want to suck every last penny out of the working at throw it at uneccessary things.
I dont agree with voting just for the sake of it, or getting the current party out and replacing it with something possibly even worse, should have said this before.

So im not going to use my vote for no other reason than voting for a party I REALLY would like to see win, and atm, there isnt any.

You also have the right NOT to vote dont forget that :).
Conservative, time to give the people at the top an overhaul I think and try something different.

Could we have this as a poll?
TomWilko said:
Conservative, time to give the people at the top an overhaul I think and try something different.

Could we have this as a poll?

Yeah, poll, poll, poll, poll, poll, poll.... :o
nero120 said:
Right, it's Miller time!

We have a good cross section of political opinion here on the OCUK Forums and although there have been related topics raised (mainly in SC), none have really put a figure on how we will be voting on May 5th. I think many people believe this will be a close election, so it will be interesting to have a look at the figures for who will be voting for who and see if we think it will be close!

Dons, can I get a vote pleeeease?

Oh yeah, if you're not eligable to vote then hands off! ;)

If I'm in the country then I definitely will. I am not voting Labour, and I'm not sure about voting Conservative, so I think I will have to go with Lib Dem.

What categories do you want in the poll?

Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, Green Party, UK Independence - anything else?
How about:

Lib Dem
Regional Party (Plaid Cymru, SNP, etc.)
Issues Party (Greens, UKIP)
Independent candidate
Not eligible
Eligible but not going to vote

I'll probably be voting for Labour to ensure the SNP don't get in, but I'd prefer to vote Lib Dem and would if there was PR involved.
nero120 said:
The difference being that Michael Howard is actively telling people to hold him to account for the promises he makes. That is quite a bold statement and will effectively destroy his credibility if he got in and didnt implement his election promises. With all the mistrust in politics right now its just what is needed - some accountability.

There speaks the voice of innocence :D

By all means vote for the Conservatives if you are against Labour and their policies, but for goodness sakes, dont expect a politician to keep his promises.
Freefaller said:
If I'm in the country then I definitely will. I am not voting Labour, and I'm not sure about voting Conservative, so I think I will have to go with Lib Dem.

What categories do you want in the poll?

Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, Green Party, UK Independence - anything else?

Also options for:

- Green
- Plaid Cymru
- Alliance Party
- Sinn Fein
- Not voting: don't agree with any party
- Not voting: Not eligable (so the others aren't left out ;))
I have always voted Labour no matter what. This time though I think I am actually going to sit down and have a look at what each party is saying they will/won't do before deciding who to vote for
AndrewP said:
How about:

Lib Dem
Regional Party (Plaid Cymru, SNP, etc.)
Issues Party (Greens, UKIP)
Independent candidate
Not eligible
Eligible but not going to vote

I'll probably be voting for Labour to ensure the SNP don't get in, but I'd prefer to vote Lib Dem and would if there was PR involved.

Dammit - beaten to it!
taliesyn said:
There speaks the voice of innocence :D

By all means vote for the Conservatives if you are against Labour and their policies, but for goodness sakes, dont expect a politician to keep his promises.

Absolutely not, but there is a limit. I think the Torys will do the best (relatively speaking) out of all the parties IMO, but I also like Howards tough talking. Its all been done before I know, but voter apithy is at an all time low. If howard lies again it will push it even lower and I believe that that is something politicians DO NOT want. If that happens, real changes will need to be made to our political system and they don't want to mess up their power base do they? ;)
Conservatives. I'm sick to death of some of the things I hear about with this current government and think it is time for someone else.

Conservatives have the best chance of beating them in the election and I support everything they have said so far, so they definately have my vote..
Interesting how Lib Dems were first on the list. Most lists would put Labour, then Conservative, then Lib Dems.

I guess it shows the bias of the person who created the original poll :p
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