ok, looking at the big 5:
1) Labour, no way as long as i can draw breath.. i'd vote for anyone else just to get that simpering, spineless, public opinion chasing yankee-lapdog, alfred e newman clone out of the PM job
2) Tory, not sure if i can bring myself to vote for Michael Howard, but their policies are making sense riight now, i know they're all lies though
3) UKIP? not voting for any party who, however fleetingly, was associated with Kilroy. plus we all know that they're just the BNP for people who like others to think that they're cosmopolitan
4) Green Party, i like their environmental stance, but lets face it.. 3 weeks into them running the country we'd be invaded (successfully) by france
5) Lib-Dem, I like Charlie but lets face it, it's the Socialist Party, them getting in to power would mark a historic occasion, namely the end of governmental decision making, 3 weeks into Lib-Dem Government we'd be invaded, by two fisherman from the Isle of Wight, with a net.
Lets face it, they're all a bunch of slackjawed hypocrits, none of them have any positive qualities that would lead me to believe they could collectively run a vacumn cleaner much less a country
i made the mistake last time of not voting. i don't want to vote this time either , none of them are worth voting for in their own right. so i'm left with two options:
- deliberately spoil my ballot paper to record a null vote
- vote for whoever looks like having the best chance of getting Blair out of office
*sigh* i've sorted out the application to renew my passport today, with any luck i can score a job in Canada or Japan soon and be rid of this depressing [effluent]hole for good