Whos been to the Kennedy Space center?

18 May 2006
I went years ago, really liked it but then I like rockets and nerdy stuff :D

The saturn 5 was impressive and they do a bus tour of the old rocket pads and control centres, try and get on that because they show the old launch computers and there is a V2 engine on display. There is a field full of old rockets too.
The main site is not so interesting, like they didn't really want you to see stuff

The rest of Florida is a bit dull unless you like Dali or are twelve
24 Oct 2008
I went a couple of years back but found the place to be properly awe-inspiring, the Saturn 5 was incredible to look at up close and did get to see the Discovery (I think) shuttle on the launch pad, but the café was poor, rubbish burger and chips.

For the love of God go there, its a must if you are in Florida.
Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
Everyone does the standard bus tour because that's what they're told to do. Big mistake - it's OK but very much second best. If you get any choice, do the "NASA Up-Close" tour. They don't run the full tour every day for operational reasons, but when they do, you get to take photos like this...

Click to embiggen.

OK, so that's on a bus (which is why it's wonky), and I had the 10x zoom, but I really didn't need it. I think I got within 800m or so, and at that range you don't need a zoom (I haven't cropped the photo at all). :D

Another good one is the Astronaut encounter, or even better Dine with an Astronaut. The former is good, the latter is better but expensive. IIRC the former was 'grab a seat', but book early for the latter if you can.

Oh, and of course there's the launch simulator. Tested by Astronauts. They were just finishing building it when I was last there (been three times now, plan to go again).

Finally, the Astronaut Hall of Fame, which from my vague memory is about a mile from KSC (it's pretty obvious when you drive past), is also worth a look, but you only need about an hour to get around it. Do it first, then go onwards to KSC.
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