Who's had a hair transplant?

25 Nov 2009
The inlaws have offered to pay for me to not ruin our wedding photos with a shiny bonce, I've since had a couple of consultations and I'm actually quite keen to go ahead with the procedure.
Does anyone have any experiences you could share?
I have been recommended the FUT twice over the FUE, but I worry that the scar could be a right mess, although I have always had my hair reasonable length (never below a grade 3 at the rear) so I strongly doubt you'd ever see it.
your inlaws reckon you'll ruin your wedding photos because you're bald (or balding) - i think i'd want better inlaws rather than a hair transplant!!
But remember, we'll have a hair loss cure in around 5-10 years according to the hair loss industry...who have been spouting this claim for decades now.
I know nothing about this so just read the NHS page on the procedures. Both sound horrific.


They sound it but seen a few vids and there's little if any discomfort. Usually get some swelling after the procedure in some cases that seems to be about it.

Those surgeries are only really viable if you're thinning, if you have nothing on top then more than likely you're just going to spend thousands to get a thin sprinkling of hair on your head, unless you have unusually thick donor hair then you might get good coverage.
Ha ha Christ on a bike guys I haven't even proposed yet...
Focus on the finer points won't you :D
There's a joke in that second sentence.
Not helpful really but I'd just shave it all off if it were me and if in laws question it just say "bald men are sexy" or "bald men have high testosterone levels" and wink at the mother. THey (she) might then buy you a car instead or something.
your inlaws reckon you'll ruin your wedding photos because you're bald (or balding) - i think i'd want better inlaws rather than a hair transplant!!

This lad....

Who even says that?

Like do they understand it's genetic and it just happens to some guys.... it is what it is. Also, if you do get a transplant won't you just lose it again?
The inlaws have offered to pay for me to not ruin our wedding photos with a shiny bonce, I've since had a couple of consultations and I'm actually quite keen to go ahead with the procedure.
Does anyone have any experiences you could share?
I have been recommended the FUT twice over the FUE, but I worry that the scar could be a right mess, although I have always had my hair reasonable length (never below a grade 3 at the rear) so I strongly doubt you'd ever see it.

I've done a bit of research into it and I'd only have it done by 1 place.

There was a footballer who had 2 of them done and wasn't happy. He then went to that place in Vancouver used by Antonio Conte. If you see Conte's hair now he looks amazing it's a full mop of hair and you can't tell he used to be bald.

It's £35K but they will pay for your travel and accommodation.

It's the only place I would trust. Others don't do anywhere near as good a job and it doesn't look anywhere near as thick or work as long term as theirs seem to. But you are paying £35K for it. I'd rather have hair on my head than pubes. Which is what you get with a lot of other places.

If your in laws are paying for it then the price shouldn't matter to you.

remember if you go cheap and they botch it. You may never be able to have it done again. so i'd only trust the place Conte used. it seems to be regarded as number 1 in the world.
This lad....

Who even says that?

Like do they understand it's genetic and it just happens to some guys.... it is what it is. Also, if you do get a transplant won't you just lose it again?

No as the hair in certain areas is more sensitive to the special type of testosterone.

It's why you can have bald guys with hairy backs, etc.

The hair on the top of the head is more sensitive than that at the sides and back.
There's only one thing worse than going bald, and that's refusing to accept you're going bald. :-) I work on the principle that if even Donald Trump and Elton John can't get it right, with all their wealth and access to the best cosmetic surgery, what hope for the likes of us?

Don't get me wrong, after 20 years I still miss my hair and hated the period while it was thinning. But as soon as it got bad enough to administer the coup de Grace Jones with a No.1 buzzcut, I haven't looked back. Mainly because from the back I look like my grandad did.

Bottom line, if you're happy to gamble with surgery and your Mrs-to-be is happy to live with it if it looks worse instead of better, then let them pay for it. Maybe they think it was a nice thing to offer? But to me it just means they're looking at your hair and not you, which makes them rather shallow.
not if it involves drugs -

The inconvenient truth ?

Scientists have uncovered an evolutionary paradox where men damage their ability to have children during efforts to make themselves look more attractive.
Taking steroids to get a buff physique or anti-baldness pills to keep a full head of hair can damage fertility.
It has been named the Mossman-Pacey paradox after the scientists who first described it.
Dr Mossman suspects "thinking you're more appealing to the opposite sex, but killing your fertility" is probably unique to humans.

You know what to tell them.
The inlaws have offered to pay for me to not ruin our wedding photos with a shiny bonce, I've since had a couple of consultations and I'm actually quite keen to go ahead with the procedure.
Does anyone have any experiences you could share?
I have been recommended the FUT twice over the FUE, but I worry that the scar could be a right mess, although I have always had my hair reasonable length (never below a grade 3 at the rear) so I strongly doubt you'd ever see it.
Has the size of "little fellow" come up in polite discourse with your FTBIL yet?
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