Whos used online estate agents? Good/bad news?

17 Feb 2009
Looking to put our property on the market now. I read quite a few bad reviews for Yopa when it comes to buying, but selling they seem to do a better job at?
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Thought I would update with my Yopa Journey several months on. My house did end up STC although only after a significant price reduction. The assigned agent was quite hard to get hold off and doesn't really respond to messages, I was given a desk based contact who was much better. In all honesty, I'd not use them again. They didn't do anything particularly bad, but I feel perhaps the online portal put some people off. I'd also strongly advise anyone using them to not use their solicitors, they've been dreadful.

We've decided not to sell the house again and if it does go back on the market I'm probably going to use someone local. Although the first local company were absolutely terrible, so I don't have much confidence either way!
18 Oct 2002
Had a decent experience with Purple Bricks. The thing to watch out for is that their fee is a listing fee rather than a sale fee, so once you sign you're committed to selling with them. At the end of the day as long as there are decent photos and someone available to let people in to view, it wont make a massive difference who does that. The only difference in my mind might be with the end sale figure, the online agents will push more for a reduction in price to sell quickly (which might mean that you've not been realistic with the asking price in the first place). High street EAs are more likely to hold out for more commission.

I learned my lesson with EA's recommended solicitors - find a different one! One of the first things that you need to do when buying and selling property is find a good solicitor.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Things with Yopa deteriorated and I'm in the complaints process with them now and I expect to hear back sometime today. I don't want to go into too much detail, but in summary my so called 'local agent':
  • Failed to reduce asking price on time when asked
  • Failed to show up to viewings he'd arranged on multiple times (luckily I have a Ring doorbell so returned home quickly to do the viewings myself)
  • Seemed to use the fact I WFH as an excuse to arrange most viewings being done by myself
  • His phone number and email address were like a black hole and he barely ever answered the phone or responded to Voice Mail
  • Not sure if this was his fault, or Yopa's, but on two occasions I had two people turned up to a viewing at the same time when I'd only been told about one. And then on another occasion someone turned up for a viewing I had no idea about. Luckily the house was ready
  • As for Yopa themselves, their panel of solicitors are utter trash
The guy dealing with my complaint emailed me to advise there has been progress and he should have a response soon. Although I feel he didn't mean to forward the email that my agent had sent to him in response to my concerns:

Hi resolutions,

Please can you give me a call ASAP on this one. ALL OF THE POINTS RAISED ARE UNTRUE, this vendor is the most lying person I had had this misfortune to encounter in all my years at YOPA, He has changed his mind of accepted offer three times, has lied to me and Jake about his circumstances and has also tried it on with another previous Estate Agent (Andrews) who I have spoken to and they gave him an ultimatum which lead to the termination of their contract with him.

This man cannot be trusted in ANYTHING he says or writes.

Please call me URGENTLY on this.


I really like the fact that he's flat out called me a liar and said I've made everything up and then in the pretty much makes up the rest of the email! I have evidence to back everything up. If their resolutions team don't come back with a satisfactory outcome I wonder what my next steps would be.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Are you ultimately aiming to get your money back?
No - they've sold the house*. All I want is a goodwill gesture and for them to waive the £300 fee to use my own solicitor. An apology wouldn't go amis either! The whole process with them towards the end was quite stressful and I just want to to be over. It's not really about money anymore for me.

*When I said they've sold the house, the local agent never turned up to perform any of the final viewings. He also didn't inform me there'd been an offer, negotiated, or after I negotiated myself and eventually accepted it even bothered to get in touch to congratulate me.
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9 Mar 2003
I have used online agents and would again but I’ve not used them. They don’t sound like a professional outfit.

£300 fee to use your own solicitor? That’s a new one on me. I’ve never used an estate agents ‘recommended’ (aka kickback) solicitor and never would. I’d probably steer clear of anyone that put in place fee structures like that if they effectively force you with charges.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
£300 fee to use your own solicitor? That’s a new one on me. I’ve never used an estate agents ‘recommended’ (aka kickback) solicitor and never would. I’d probably steer clear of anyone that put in place fee structures like that if they effectively force you with charges.
It was part of the contract I signed up to which is their buy now pay later service. In hindsight I wish I'd have never used that deal.

I'm sure Yopa are fine for a straightforward sale, but anything where they have to do any work things become less easy. It must be said, the Jake guy I've been dealing with which is someone at their office has been fine. No idea where the suggestion of me lying about my circumstances has come from either.
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Things with Yopa deteriorated
Seems pretty poor that!

Ive finally sold with purplebricks (& exchanged) but unsure if I'd use them again. The sales process etc they're fine, but the post sales (if you need to contact a long chain) are absolutely terrible. Fortunately my 3rd buyer was chain free
1 Mar 2008
Deep North
Don't most sellers conduct the viewings themselves? I thought this way then at least the buyers can ask questions about the property and get answers straight away while viewing.
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Don't most sellers conduct the viewings themselves? I thought this way then at least the buyers can ask questions about the property and get answers straight away while viewing.
Yeah I did the viewings myself and it was fine.

Problem is, after the agreed sale if you have an uncommunicative buyer and need to get a hold them or someone in the chain.
9 Mar 2003
Don't most sellers conduct the viewings themselves? I thought this way then at least the buyers can ask questions about the property and get answers straight away while viewing.

In my experience no, and it’s really annoying as a buyer. Most buyers seem to want to let their agent because they don’t want to put off sellers accidentally or are encouraged by their agent to let them do it. Even when dealing with the seller on the show round is almost always preferable to the buyer.

The problem is is that agents showing you round know literally nothing about the property and for the most part are frustrating to deal with on run of the mill domestic property. They often make silly comments about how nice the decor knowing nothing about your taste or if it’s just bad or smells like dog.

Sometimes they don’t even turn up with the keys needed to let you see the garden or garage.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Don't most sellers conduct the viewings themselves? I thought this way then at least the buyers can ask questions about the property and get answers straight away while viewing.
The package we signed up for included them doing the viewings. I'd have preferred to do them myself, but the initial contact from an interested buyer and the subsequent replies by Yopa aren't shown to the client. In my case all I would get was an automated text or email saying 'so and so is viewing your property at 1800'. When it first happened I asked if it was myself or the agent doing the viewings and I was told it would always be the agent unless they called me to say otherwise.

With Yopa there were instances of them saying they're doing the viewings and not turning up, them telling me I'm doing the viewings and they turn up anyway, or people just randomly turning up without warning. It was a **** show and quite embarrassing at times. I'd end up in a position of having to apologise to potential buyers on behalf of Yopa's **** up. I mean if they can't even manage those basics what else was I missing out on?

I don't necessarily think Yopa are at fault, more of a case that our local agent often gave the impression he was a fumbling idiot. I thought he was a nice guy, but after reading his email which I guess wasn't meant for my eyes my opinion has vastly changed. I've tried my hardest to remain amicable so far, will just have to wait and see what response their complaints team come back with.
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Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Yopa have come back with a 3 page reply but the summary is that they're not giving me any goodwill at all and aren't prepared to waive the £300 fee for the solicitors.
1 Mar 2008
Deep North
Just seems weird that you have to make yourself scarce while the agent comes round to conduct the viewing, different if the house was empty already but not when you are still living in it.

Also if you WFH do you just say "hi" when they open the door to your home office to show the room to the prospective buyer? lol.



22 Nov 2005
Selling my mother-in-laws flat via Purple Bricks and their conveyancing is managed by some call centre type firm.

They’re a bit rubbish and I’m having to chase them every couple of days to push things along. No sense of urgency at all and we wouldn’t use them again.

The viewings my MIL and myself managed between us without a problem. It’s not a big deal and I guess that’s where we saved the money.

Saying that though, all the solicitors are snowed under at the moment so perhaps I should give them a little slack.
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