Why are they turning off Analogue TV?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Have the cretins not realised that most people only have ONE Sky Box/Digital TV Box per house, and that all the other TVs are usually used for watching annalogue TV.

Unless Sky start offering 5 boxes per house, then this is a stupid idea?
because analouge TV sucks more ass than a mad dyson in a field full of donkeys!

also, freeview dude, FREEVIEW
Digital terrestrial is taking off, and the biggest thing holding it back from full coverage is the analogue system being in place...

You can get a freeview box for £20-30 now, and switch-off isn't expected for another 4-5 years or so. The number of TV's being sold with a digital terrestrial tuner is also on the increase.
Technology marches on.

I would imagine that digital and analog side by side would be more expensive than running digital alone.
I got my Freeview box this week for £35 :) Not bad to go from 5 channels to 81 and if nothing else, now I don't have to suffer S4C instead of Channel 4 :D
According to the box you can use it across a number of TVs but didn't really read that part in the manual because it's not relevant to me.
So is digital TV quality improved from when I had ntl digital TV five years ago, when half the channels were pixellated and occasionally went blank? Analogue on the other hand has no such issues and the picture quality is perfect. I don't see why it ever needs to be turned off.
fatiain said:
Will my John Logie Baird Televisioscope be able to recieve this newfangled "digital" television?

Yes Mr Iain.

The digital box uses a DAC (digital analogue converter) in much the same way that a CD player reads a disc in digital and then converts the output to an analogue signal which you can understand...


and OP, what's the problem? I only have one TV which is plugged into telewest anyway :p
dirtydog said:
So is digital TV quality improved from when I had ntl digital TV five years ago, when half the channels were pixellated and occasionally went blank? Analogue on the other hand has no such issues and the picture quality is perfect. I don't see why it ever needs to be turned off.
I've been on ntl digital for as long as it's been available and never had such problems. The freeview box I've had for a week has been fine quality too.
Possibly your area? But in which case as it was 5 years ago, it's probably much improved now.
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