Too independent and set in my ways to be in a relationship atm, I've always enjoyed my own company and prefer doing my own thing, when I want, and how I want, I don't like to compromise, I do enough of that in work as it is, I don't want to come home to more if it, My past relationships were never really successful becuase I would feel almost claustrophobic in them, I don't want an entity of unpredictable emotions in my life relying on me to make compromises, spend time with them etc to keep them in check, why ?, becuase my life would be so fulfilling with that person if I did, no, I've never been in a relationship where I've really felt that way.
I've never really needed anyone tbh, when I was younger the main reason I chose to seek out companionship was becuase it was the 'normal' thing to do I suppose, I did it to fit in, but while in those relationships I was never really happy, not truly.
From quite a young age I was practising and studying astral projection and meditation, I think I was about 12, anyway, a few times I had some very amazing surreal experiences that filled me a feeling that I could never really express fully in words, I think those experiences and feelings though tarnished the feelings I got in relationships, they never lived up to the feelings and emotions that I had already experienced on my own, it was strange, at such a young age I felt I didn't need anyone to be happy, I knew could I just be happy within myself, I knew no matter how hard I tried no woman could give me true contentment, well, I don't believe so, but I guess you never know for sure how you feel about someone before you've ever met them, I could bump into someone in the street tomorrow and fall in love.
*With regards to the astral projection and meditation to this day I am not sure whether my experiences where spiritual/biological etc, I just observed, it could've been either, even as a child I was always open to accepting that everything I was experiencing could be my mind playing tricks, and even if it was, I would find that equally amazing.