Why battlefield 3 is not on the steam ?

Mainly because EA want games exclusive to their own platform and they don't want to share DLC revenues. Which is why Crysis 2 was pulled from Steam a few years back and then reappeared as the GOTY edition some time later.
Because it's an EA game and is therefore on Origin.

Pretty much this, EA's way of keeping people on their client.

Shame really, I'd love to see how the Steam community would have reacted with the review for Battlefield Hardline etc especially as the Battlelog forums mods remove anything negative about any of their games.
I don't even have an Origin account and have no plans to make one, personally I'm happy using steam, so if you won't sell there then I won't buy your ****.

It's like bringing put a product then selling it exclusively out of some awful shop you'd never want to visit. Just alienates half their potential user base, which to be fair alienating customers is kinda EAs whole thing.
Origin is actually fine. Not too intrusive, fairly lightweight and rarely has a problem. If you can remember back far enough to a couple of years after steam launched it was still buggy as hell with frequent loss of connection and other issues. Only thing I wish Origin would do is bin the 100 friends limit. Other than that I'm happy enough with it and I always max my download speed with it.
I don't even have an Origin account and have no plans to make one, personally I'm happy using steam, so if you won't sell there then I won't buy your ****.

It's like bringing put a product then selling it exclusively out of some awful shop you'd never want to visit. Just alienates half their potential user base, which to be fair alienating customers is kinda EAs whole thing.

What utter drivel.
I don't even have an Origin account and have no plans to make one, personally I'm happy using steam, so if you won't sell there then I won't buy your ****.

It's like bringing put a product then selling it exclusively out of some awful shop you'd never want to visit. Just alienates half their potential user base, which to be fair alienating customers is kinda EAs whole thing.

More to the point EA are absolute scumbags. :D
Origin is actually fine. Not too intrusive, fairly lightweight and rarely has a problem. If you can remember back far enough to a couple of years after steam launched it was still buggy as hell with frequent loss of connection and other issues. Only thing I wish Origin would do is bin the 100 friends limit. Other than that I'm happy enough with it and I always max my download speed with it.

The origin friend limit is major annoyance.
What utter drivel.


Thing is its the customers prerogative to choose where to buy their stuff, I don't want another account and tbh don't trust EA. If the new battlefields were on steam I would probably have them by now, but I'm not going to be forced onto a new platform for it, all my games are in steam.

I'm also not saying steam is perfect, but I'm happy with it now.
Origin has far less crap in it then Steam.

It amazes me how many people are happy to have every game ran on Steam. A company with a reputation of having one of the worst customer service records in the industry. Add to the fact it gets more bloaty with each release.

Steam, Origin, Galaxy, Uplay etc... they aren't exactly demanding software and surely you only run them when you want to play a game so who really cares?

Plus flying to Mexico for release days is great for Origin.
Dream come true:

Steams UI
Origins servers + Customer service
Uplays " U Point " System

All rolled into one package containing every release. With none of this oh it's our game so it only goes on our software.

Though none of them are demanding to run or particularly large to have installed. It would be preferable to now have to swap between software every time i want to play a game from a certain developer.
Thing is er.. i wish i could just buy a game and play it without having to install steam, origin or any other . somehow we all managed this for 20+ years.

Ah yes the bad old days of physical mediia. Having to scrabble around looking for a disk each time you wanted to switch between games. And the joys of having to maintain your list of patches.
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