Why battlefield 3 is not on the steam ?

Yet there is not a single game that i have felt the loss of. What are these great games i am losing out on exactly? thats a genuine question although phrased sarcastically.

Battlefield, although i own 3 and 4 really just dont interest me, i find them slow and clunky. I am not into football and as such paying annually to get the latest kit/player rosters on a fifa game does not appeal. The new sims was cut down feature wise, as was sim city.

EA have nothing to offer the discerning gamer these days.

Plants versus Zombies Garden Warfare (and the upcoming 2), Dragon Age series, Mirror's Edge. I've got the previous 2 on Origin, and I'll be getting the latter.

EA really aren't this awful company any more, Ubisoft has become the new EA.
I actually paid a bit more to have Witcher on Steam over a GOG code when it was released. Some might say I'm daft, but I'll admit I try and avoid multiple drms and accounts where possible. What is daft though is passing up a game you want to play, purely to avoid having another drm installed on your machine.

gog galaxy isnt drm. besides, you can download the install files and install the game without galaxy if you want.
I just use Steam, had it over 10 years now, EA pulled the plug on Steam, that's fair enough it's more money making for them, if it was on Steam I would most likely of bought it.

I've got over 180+ games to complete yet, I buy games quicker than I can get through them. If EA want to make more money they should sell it on Steam, but I coudn't care less if they didn't.
I just use Steam, had it over 10 years now, EA pulled the plug on Steam, that's fair enough it's more money making for them, if it was on Steam I would most likely of bought it.

I've got over 180+ games to complete yet, I buy games quicker than I can get through them. If EA want to make more money they should sell it on Steam, but I coudn't care less if they didn't.

Most likely of? :confused:
Origin I have no issue with it all. It is just another program. Nothing more, nothing less.

Never got the hate that people have for the client. Uplay on the other hand, i have had issues with cloud save games getting corrupted. I only have a few games on it so not that pushed really
What's wrong with it?

It lacks feature like chat, downloading and running DLC has to be done manually, you have to manually log in all the time, it's verify integrity function doesn't work, nor does installing a game you already have the files for, no pause for downloads, if a client update gets released you get logged out which cancels and deletes all progress on any running download (20 hours into downloading witcher 3 it did this), auto updating games doesn't work, turning it off causes it to work.

Does it actually do anything?
Origin has come on a long way - still not a big fan but of late they've seemed to be mostly listening to the customers in terms of features, approach, etc. and its actually quicker and more reliable at starting up and signing in than Steam which is a bit of a turn around.

Would still rather just use one platform but I do like to support movement in the right direction as well.
It lacks feature like chat, downloading and running DLC has to be done manually, you have to manually log in all the time, it's verify integrity function doesn't work, nor does installing a game you already have the files for, no pause for downloads, if a client update gets released you get logged out which cancels and deletes all progress on any running download (20 hours into downloading witcher 3 it did this), auto updating games doesn't work, turning it off causes it to work.

Does it actually do anything?

I had the same problems but to be far I managed to import and varify my witcher 3 directory after I uninstalled galaxy and installed the latest version and I don't have any issues with logging in/out now.

They are getting there :)
Wow - interesting Origin has much better customer service than Steam has ever had; only reason they now are somewhat giving refunds is they were forced by EU courts even then still took them 4ish years to comply.

Uplay sucks ass - but if I want an EA game I buy on Origin; plus I get a free game from there about 2 to 3 months with their on the house program. I'll buy from steam; but noticed their deals have become suck tatic lately and price creep. I've been buying more and more from GOG; simply because no DRM period.....nada; galaxy still has away to go but its farther along than steam when it came out and origin.

Plus if GOG can't get a game working on my system; refund....no ifs; no ands no buts; unlike steam...and its all games unlike Origin...

None are perfect; but such is the world ;)
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