Why buy mac

Dureth said:
Hmmm, that makes the choice a bit harder. How much of a pain is it to get a dual boot system with XP using bootcamp?

Having watched my housemates do it, it seems pretty straightforward. Should be even easier when Leopard is out, because it has Bootcamp built-in.
ic1male said:
Well the OU don't officially support Macs. It was a right pain in the arse trying to get BlueJ and its associated files to work the way the OU booklets need them.

Ugh, BlueJ. That brings back memories. There are Mac alternatives but you really dont need to start applying BlueJ exercises to a different environment. Especially when you're learning.

Dureth said:
Hmmm, that makes the choice a bit harder. How much of a pain is it to get a dual boot system with XP using bootcamp?

Its really simple. Probably the hardest part is going though the Windows install. If you can manage that its easy.

After it is set up, booting into windows is simply a case of holding down the Alt key while the machine is booting.
Ahhh easier than I thought then. I can setup a three way linux/xp/vista boot so I'm sure I can get this going. I just didn't want to run into some show stopping problem.
Which of your critical apps are Windows-only?

Just curious, because nearly all Windows apps having a version that run on OS X, and if they don't you could just use Bootcamp to run Windows.

Oh, and of course, if you have the hardware then you could easily run Windows and run you favourite games too :)
everything I own basically, because there all windows versions, sure I could buy apple versions of lots of things but that would be uneconomic. Plus games run better on PC's. And I'm not really willing to pay a premium just to have an easier to use interface or whatever reason you say you buy a mac for.

and I'm pretty sure OS X won't support DX10?
yantorsen said:
everything I own basically, because there all windows versions, sure I could buy apple versions of lots of things but that would be uneconomic. Plus games run better on PC's. And I'm not really willing to pay a premium just to have an easier to use interface or whatever reason you say you buy a mac for.

and I'm pretty sure OS X won't support DX10?
Games run exactly the same when running Windows on a Mac.

OS X itself doesn't even have direct X, but yes, if you boot in to Windows Vista on a Mac then it would have whatever Direct X version your hardware would support..just as Windows.

Seems you don't want to even consider a Mac..
Games run exactly the same when running Windows on a Mac.

OS X itself doesn't even have direct X, but yes, if you boot in to Windows Vista on a Mac then it would have whatever Direct X version your hardware would support..just as Windows.

Seems you don't want to even consider a Mac..
no no you're not understanding me

if you spent x amount on a mac and the same on a pc you would get more gaming performance from the PC. macs generally don't come with good gaming gpu's.

if i wanted a pre-built computer, didnt play games, and wasn't used to windows then i'd consider it.
Which of your critical apps are Windows-only?

Just curious, because nearly all Windows apps having a version that run on OS X, and if they don't you could just use Bootcamp to run Windows.

Oh, and of course, if you have the hardware then you could easily run Windows and run you favourite games too :)
only expensive macs do.
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There is far more to computers than games. I'd safely say they make up less than 10% of my computer use these days, 3-4 years ago that might have been more like 80% but things change.

Now I'm looking at having a desktop PC for occasional gaming and a macbook for day to day use and maybe playing a bit of WoW.
i dont use my pc for games anymore so im considering a macbook, might just get a pc laptop when the time comes though, macs arent really for gamers but are fine for everything else.
macbooks are pretty cheap for what they are tbh. the pros are expensive, as are imacs.

i WOULD put osx on my pc if it would run dual screen properly......
well 50% of my Pc usage is gaming and will be even more than that when i get my new one. Plus I'm used to windows and I've used OS X at work in the past and it's all good, i just prefer to use things I'm used to. If i wasn't bothered about gettin to know a new OS and didnt play game slike I already said then I MIGHT get a Mac, but there still overpriced lol.
daven1986 said:
macbooks are pretty cheap for what they are tbh. the pros are expensive, as are imacs.

i WOULD put osx on my pc if it would run dual screen properly......
"yeh but it's all about the Mac experience" :P lol
yantorsen said:
"yeh but it's all about the Mac experience" :P lol

Not got bored spamming this thread with barely intelligible gibberings about how Macs are crap because they're not designed for g4m3rs yet? ;)

Fact is, I like Macs, they suit me, what I do and the way I work. They are primarily aimed at the "creative professional" market hence why there is a lot of high quality Apple and third-party software (i.e. by Adobe) out there for the Mac aimed at photographers, web designers, graphics designers etc. They are also popular in some academic circles due to their versatility and UNIX base (Bioinf, Maths, some areas of Comp Sci).

If Macs don't suit your requirements that's OK, we won't judge you (much), honest! However can you stop going on about the same points over and over as its starting to get annoying.
M0KUJ1N said:
Not got bored spamming this thread with barely intelligible gibberings about how Macs are crap because they're not designed for g4m3rs yet? ;)

Fact is, I like Macs, they suit me, what I do and the way I work. They are primarily aimed at the "creative professional" market hence why there is a lot of high quality Apple and third-party software (i.e. by Adobe) out there for the Mac aimed at photographers, web designers, graphics designers etc. They are also popular in some academic circles due to their versatility and UNIX base (Bioinf, Maths, some areas of Comp Sci).

If Macs don't suit your requirements that's OK, we won't judge you (much), honest! However can you stop going on about the same points over and over as its starting to get annoying.
no fair enough some people actually find them useful and i never said i dnt like them.

just ppl are always like macs rule blah blah when all they do is msn n internet!
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