Why cant iphone bluetooth properly?

not being able to use your mp3s as ringtones is significantly more annoying than the bluetooth thing.

And as for the 3 points I'd say usage is

1) Handsfree - 90%
2) File transfer - 9%
3) Audio - 1%

And i never called it a jesus phone, its bloody impressive but not perfect but as for the bluetooth, covering 90% of the market is fine by me!
every iphone thread ends up the same. you question why it doesnt do something, you get a rubbish reply and then further more rubbish replies asking why you bought the thing if you wanted that feature.....

the bottom line is, Apple produced some fantastic hardware that they then could not be bothered to write the software for. it isnt for security reasons (lol), its because they dont want to. same for MMS, same for video recording, same for flash support. They could have written the software for all of this (the hardware supports it!) and it would have been THE phone, bar none. as it is it is seriously flawed in some areas that other phones excel in.

my iphone is the best phone for day to day use imo, but if i had the choice of only one phone, it wouldnt be an iphone. i'd be my n95, and thats why i still own both.
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If you dislike Apple that much then click back and stay out of the Apple forums. Although if you hate Apple just because they won't let you copy music of the phone via Bluetooth then that is a little odd in my opinion.

Hah! No, my reasons for disliking apple extend beyond the lack of Bluetooth file trasnfer on my phone.

People seem to be getting the impression that i don't like my iPhone. On the contrary, it's brilliant, THAT'S WHY I HAVE ONE! james.miller is almost correct, it's not because they don't want too, it's because they don't have too. Why make something as good as it can be when you can sit back and make just as much (or nearly as much) money with a lesser product?

Maybe i should stay out of the Apple forum from now on.. It's far too afraid to call a spade a spade :p
And i never called it a jesus phone

You've misunderstood. The press have labelled it the 'jesus phone' because of the hype surrounding it, which is all it is........hype. I know you didn't call it that.

its bloody impressive but not perfect but as for the bluetooth, covering 90% of the market is fine by me!

I doubt you've got your percentages right or A2DP wouldn't be available on almost every other mobile phone on the market.
completely the truth!

its a shame in some ways, I work in the mobile accessories market and a stereo bluetooth enabled ipod/iphone would get the bluetooth audio market off its arse which is where its been since it was started.

Actually I think if somebody produced some stereo bluetooth headphones which didn't make you look like a complete tit then it might get the market off its arse.

But I wouldn't buy them, because what's the damn point? My ipod goes in my pocket and I my headphones go in my ears, it's a distance of a meter. Is the hassle of having huge heavy headphones which sound no where near as good as my IEMs and need batteries worth the freedom of not having a cable...umm...no!
When i had the iphone 3G a month ago...the lack of bluetooth transfer really didnt bother me at all.

Whatbothered me the most about the phone was the lack of video recording, lack of mms capability...absolutely shocking that a phone of this power doesnt even have the most basic of phone functions...the absolutely shocking battery life along with the rubbish o2 3g reception.

Really *** only redeeming feature about the iphone was the its web browsing, if anything its the best phone to use for web browsing...just a shame the rest of the phone lets it down.

Nevermind i was thinking of buying one on PAYG but sod that, the new HTC Touch HD is out in Nov and that looks to be a proper iphone killer altho the fact it has WM6.1 will probably mean it wotn be that good lol. Also lets not forget Blackberrys new touchscreen phone the thunder or storm as its called...looks pretty amazing.
Nevermind i was thinking of buying one on PAYG but sod that, the new HTC Touch HD is out in Nov and that looks to be a proper iphone killer altho the fact it has WM6.1 will probably mean it wotn be that good lol. Also lets not forget Blackberrys new touchscreen phone the thunder or storm as its called...looks pretty amazing.

iPod "killers" have come and gone and I should imagine the much touted iPhone "killers" will do the same. I had the pleasure of using the HTC Touch and it was like pulling teeth.

Sure the iPhone has its flaws but name me a phone that doesn't. However just like the iPod the iPhone is the best complete package even if it isn't perfect. :)
iPod "killers" have come and gone and I should imagine the much touted iPhone "killers" will do the same. I had the pleasure of using the HTC Touch and it was like pulling teeth.

Sure the iPhone has its flaws but name me a phone that doesn't. However just like the iPod the iPhone is the best complete package even if it isn't perfect. :)

I used one in a shop a while back, god windows mobile still sucks.

If I wanted a personal smart phone then I'd get an iphone, fortunately I don't because I already have a work blackberry which I delight in leaving at work come the end of the day so the idea of having email on my personal phone leaves me cold, I really can't understand why you'd want a smart phone as your personal mobile but each to their own...
I doubt you've got your percentages right or A2DP wouldn't be available on almost every other mobile phone on the market.

there's all sorts of crap in phones that never gets used... I bet I'm not far off with the bluetooth accessory market stats in the mobile market.

Seriously, I should know :)
Having used an iPhone for the last month I can definitely say that it is not a cutting edge mobile phone.

Its a fantastic multimedia device with some phone features tacked on (or at least that's how it feels to me).

I would much rather have a decent candybar phone and an iPod touch over an iPhone...and through my use of it, the GPS really wasn't that useful. Showtime was a great little app though :D

You're right, it is a media device that was rolled 18 months early with some glaring omissions, 2G wasn't *that* bad, poor camera, buggy software, no mms/video.

What it did do is make the mobile market stop and take notice as what it did do was in general of a high enough standard that it made the established players efforts developed over a considerably longer period of time look decidedly amature in terms of UI. How many technically superior iphone beating phones have been and gone and still the iphone is arguably one of the better semi-smart phones doing the rounds ? On paper my XDA kicks the hell out of the iPhone 2G, in reality I used to carry the iPhone day to day, the only major advantage the XDA had was TomTom.

OK it's not a business phone and the firmware release schedule is enough to make MS laugh. It's also not a true consumer phone as the camera/video situation is not consumer friendly even on the 3G but it's still a better overall package than a lot of the competition for a lot of people. I see it as what Nokia should have made the N95 as on paper they have a similar feature set but I couldn't face using an N95 as anything more than a camera or 3G modem, everything else it doesn't measure up.

Either way i'd not expect bluetooth to change any time soon, it's another feature that does nothing major for the product as apple see it, what they may be tempted to do in time is bluetooth headphones but again it's not something they need to offer yet.

completely the truth!

its a shame in some ways, I work in the mobile accessories market and a stereo bluetooth enabled ipod/iphone would get the bluetooth audio market off its arse which is where its been since it was started.

:)Matt, as you work in the mobile accessories market I hope you or one of the other members might be able to help me. As apple have decided not to (enable?) A2DP on the IPhone3G for use with sterio headphones, - something I have, (MOTOROKR s9), but now can't use since going O2 and contracting to an IP3G - does anyone have any experience of the dongles on the market. The ones I've seen are the BlueNext A2DP adapter and Brando’s new Infinxx AP 23. Will they work with the s9. Does anyone know of any others?

I love the phone and don't want to look a right tit using it but if fitting a dongle gives me stereo bluetooth to my headphones I'll put up with it. Also, is there any reason why it couldn't be connected to the power input of my 3GIP dock?:D
Wireless (bluetooth) stereo headphones would be a great improvement, as would an in-car transmitter to broadcast tunes to a compatible headunit :o

Not too bothered about bluetooth file transfer tbh.
Bluetooth... well sort-of!!

Wireless (bluetooth) stereo headphones would be a great improvement, as would an in-car transmitter to broadcast tunes to a compatible headunit :o

Not too bothered about bluetooth file transfer tbh.

I'm not so sure about not being able to bluetooth file transfer, my son tried to send me some pictures via BT but couldn't synch with my IP. If Apple are so paranoid and frightened by the idea that owners will transfer downloaded songs, why couldn't they tag them so that they can't be transfered via BT; that must be possible.

To configure BT so that you can only use it with mono BT headsets is pretty rubbish and smacks of it only being included so that Apple can say that IPhone has it. It's a bit like no WIFI on the Blackberry Storm but least Blackberry had the decency to say that it wasn't available. Not that it was a cut down version that is all but useless.

I don't believe there are any "IPhone killers" on the market..yet but there are a few manufacturers snapping at the heals of Apple and when one comes out that includes full Blutooth, WIFI, cut&paste, decent camera, video etc, ... and looks as good as the IPhone. Apple had better watch out. :(:cool:
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