Why did you get a mac?

6 Oct 2004
Hi all

Just curious here, what was your reason to buy a mac? Im currently using a laptop with vista on it and have been thinking when it dies (it might do soon, the fan won't turn off) i may replace it with a mac as i don't game on it!

What was your reason for getting one over a standard windows machine?
Because I do a lot of music production work and getting a MacBook a few years ago seemed the better thing to do. I now do far more demanding work and bought an iMac to meet these demands.

Plus, the UI is so much better - I wonder how I ever coped using Windows!!
Purely for looks, i'm now seeing the benefit of OSX etc

Could not go back now after using this multi touch trackpad.
I'm a Graphic Designer so it's pretty much industry standard. I used Macs all through Uni and now where I work. When the time came to replace my ageing gaming rig it was a no-brainer to get a Mac instead of a PC.

I shouldn't have bought a Mac when I did. We were in college and the e-Macs they had then were pretty poorly networked together by the admins, who had no clue.

They would show the beachball quite a bit and crash things regularly.

When it came to that Christmas, I decided I had the urge to try a MacBook Pro. I spent something close to £1300 on my first real Mac and I have to say it was worth it. Had a few problems with it in a hardware sense but loved it.

Needless to say now I'm sitting with a Mac Pro and waiting for the next MacBook / MacBook Pro refresh - on top of getting the next Mac Mini.

I like the way it operates day to day. It's hard to say anything without saying the cliche of 'it just works', but I rarely have any problems. Those times when I spent entire nights trying to figure out a problem in Windows (to the point of getting a headache) just don't happen anymore. I think Windows has improved in this over recent years in particular but that in itself is something I no longer have to concern myself with.

When I install a fresh system, I like being able to tick a few settings and getting straight into what I want to do, rather than scurrying around the place looking for such'n'such anti-virus and anti-spyware programs - something that the Mac has enjoyed due to Windows' market share.

Whilst I don't think it's perfect, I obviously prefer the interface to that of Windows as well.
Went to uni, they used Macs on my course (Sound Technology), and a mate had an iMac G5 at the time.

Tried his out and fell in love with the no-nonsense approach and UI.
I'm a graphic designer, but the real reason was I needed an upgrade and it's either Vista or OSX... no-brainer really. (Just happen to be the Unibody macbook pro at the time of upgrade, temptation was too much)
I got my first one in 2003; a 12" PowerBook. I just fancied something different, and that machine was something special. I'm going to buy one off eBay when I get some loose change.
Fed up of throwing money at windows based computers for years. Had no luck at all with componnets dying every few months. Bought a macbook pro £1300 in my 2nd year of uni but now onto my lovely mac pro at home!

If I hadn't bought a mac I would have gone mental and been even poorer at uni!
Also really helps having few years experience with the OS as I have to use a mac at work which I love :D
Ended up getting my first Mac as up to that point every Wintel Laptop I had used was extremely poorly built and slow. Plus with my Dad buying a iMac G5 and me having an iPod for a while it seemed like a good choice brand wise.
I just felt like it to be honest, didn't like the look of vista so bought a MBP. 30 months on and never looked back.
I'm a unix admin working in media industry. So mac (being industry standard and BSD) is a natural fit. I have to say tho - G3's and G4's were just awful. I sometimes still have nightmares at night about CRT, drop shaped iMacs crunching their pittyfull 5400rpm harddrives and choking 5 frames per second on youtube videos.

I never thought I would say that, but some macs are just fantastic value for money. Take Mac Pro, for example, 8 cores, dual Xeons, can be had for £1550. Will happily run osx and XP/vista in bootcamp if necessary. Go to dell and try to find 8 core workstation for that money.
Because OS X is a nice OS. Not the icky religious transition that it seems to be for many, though. I still use Windows on a self-built machine as well.
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Bought my Macbook 1.83GHz Core Duo as bizarrely they were excellent value for money back in May 2006. You could not get a Windows based machine of similiar spec for the same money at the time and I reasoned that since they could run XP via Bootcamp if I didn't like OS X I could always use it as an XP portable.

I've since grown to love the stability and responsiveness of OS X. So much so that it has got me hooked on Logic (the Music production software) and so my next desktop will probably be a MacPro.
Basically because I was sick of my PC messing up and having glitches even after re-installing XP.

So I bought an older mac to have a play around with. I found Macs to be simple and elegant to use. (and that was back with Tiger)

At the time my girlfriend was in a sixth from college which is all mac based and I new I was going there, so I thought why not? Also you can run Windows and Linux on a mac without any problems!

I now use all Apples software such as Logic, Aperture, iLife '08/'09, and even FCE for little bits. And I plan to stay will Apple forever unless I find that Windows is better, (which I doubt) or Apple go bust for some reason?

So yeah now I run an Unibody 2.4Ghz MacBook with Leopard and I wouldn't change it for the world. I also have plans for a Mac mini/ iMac (yeah I bit of a difference there), but I'm in the stages of 'saving up' so yeah.

I need to shut up and go and watch Diggnation now, I'm rambling on. Hope you do buy a Mac.

I, like many others here bought a Mac Pro as a workstation for music production. Although, I built another beast of a watercooled rig for gaming, the Mac is happily at the heart of my recording studio and rarely gives me any problems.

Like some of the previous posters, I agree that Mac OS X is a fantastic OS and its no-nonsense approach coupled with rock solid stability increases workflow no end. I only now use Windows if I have to and to put it into perspective, I have a watercooled PC with the following specs:

Intel Core2Duo E8400 @ 4.40Ghz (487x9, 1.35v)
750GB Samsung Spinpoint F1
4GB OCZ Reaper 8500 @ 975
Radeon 4870X2
M-AUDIO Delta 66

This custom water-cooled PC takes 40 seconds to boot (Windows Vista Sp1 64 NEW format). LOL!

My 2 year old Mac Pro (early 2006 model @ 2.66Ghz) boots in 15 seconds!

Furthermore, Mac OS X aint like windows where you think its booted up but still chugging away doing something pointless. The Mac is TOTALLY booted up in that time - absolutely amazing! In my industry, time IS money. The less time I spend messing around with crappy software/hardware the better!

I, like many others here bought a Mac Pro as a workstation for music production. Although, I built another beast of a watercooled rig for gaming, the Mac is happily at the heart of my recording studio and rarely gives me any problems.

Like some of the previous posters, I agree that Mac OS X is a fantastic OS and its no-nonsense approach coupled with rock solid stability increases workflow no end. I only now use Windows if I have to and to put it into perspective, I have a watercooled PC with the following specs:

Intel Core2Duo E8400 @ 4.40Ghz (487x9, 1.35v)
750GB Samsung Spinpoint F1
4GB OCZ Reaper 8500 @ 975
Radeon 4870X2
M-AUDIO Delta 66

This custom water-cooled PC takes 40 seconds to boot (Windows Vista Sp1 64 NEW format). LOL!

My 2 year old Mac Pro (early 2006 model @ 2.66Ghz) boots in 15 seconds!

Furthermore, Mac OS X aint like windows where you think its booted up but still chugging away doing something pointless. The Mac is TOTALLY booted up in that time - absolutely amazing! In my industry, time IS money. The less time I spend messing around with crappy software/hardware the better!

Ahhh, the power of system sleep ;):D
What are the laptops..SORRY.... mac books/mbp's like for over heating? If i was to get one i would be resting it on my legs as i sat on my bed.
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