Why did you get a mac?

I wanted one at first because everytime i saw them i was alway impressed with how they looked. I looked into the features of leopard. I then tried one out in a store.... i bought a 17 inch laptop instead.

1 week later i was still looking at macbooks wishing i'd spent the extra for what i really wanted. After 30 mins of using a mac as my own... i knew the switch was worth. Everything is just so much better, even fm2009 runs better. Expose makes my life with my computer so much easier for the amount or programs and windows opened.

Only switched a week ago. I've installed vista too just in case, i've used it once just to see if it worked! At work now I have the same trouble with browers and proggies open and i just wish i could work on a mac.

As many say... they just work everything is intergrated.. iphoto is a great program i send pics a lot from my cam via email to people. It makes this a simple 1 minute job including auto resizing etc.

Anyway, can't praise them enough!
Got sick of my slow, unreliable PCs and wanted something which just works with no hassle. Although i only have a Mac Mini, it's good enough for general usage for me :)
What are the laptops..SORRY.... mac books/mbp's like for over heating? If i was to get one i would be resting it on my legs as i sat on my bed.

They are generally OK unless your watching videos or flash movies and then the CPU starts to kick out heat.
They are generally OK unless your watching videos or flash movies and then the CPU starts to kick out heat.

With my MBP I find it copes a hell of a lot better in OSX than in Vista. I don't know if it's some cunning driver ploy of Apple's but the fans are almost always on at full blast in Vista compared to hardly ever in OSX...

It's a combination of design, looks and OS X.

If they didn't have OS X I don't think I'd have bothered. However the combination of all three results a unbeatable combo.

Our MacBook is like one of the family.
I fancied one after many laptops, i must say, as a laptop it blows away any pc ive had for working as a laptop should. The multi use mousepad is fantastic for lying back on the couch and browing the net or listening to music.
With my MBP I find it copes a hell of a lot better in OSX than in Vista. I don't know if it's some cunning driver ploy of Apple's but the fans are almost always on at full blast in Vista compared to hardly ever in OSX...


I think it is just bad Apple drivers on the Vista side when it is communicating with the system management controller, all the Macs I've used have problems with Adobe Flash videos.
Because I fancied a change, I'd previously had 3 Macs for brief periods as second machines in the past (PowerPC 7200 or something, iBook then G4 Mac Mini) but they really weren't any use to me because a lot of the software I use wasn't/isn't available on MacOS. I bought an Intel Mac Mini last year and with VMWare Fusion I got the best of both worlds. The Mac Mini logic board blew just after the warranty ran out but I like OSX so I went out and got a MacBook despite the bad reliability I've had with Apple products in the past. With 4gb RAM I'm flying on OSX with virtual machines running Solaris and Windows XP so I can test pretty much anything I need to now. My main gripes are the price of Apple products, the reliability and some of the almost religious owners. :)
I went with a mac as mom and dad going online and they wanted me to help them with it.

I already had the iPhone and neither of my parents had much PC experience so could start from scratch. Got them an iMac and the one2one training, plus with all the demo/tutorials on the Apple site it was a no brainer for me. Dropped a time capsule on there for backup. They also video conference with a friend in sri lanka who has a Mac as well and has the iMac has all built in then was much easier then getting them a windows box.

Plus I managed to wangle a nice 15.4" unibody mbp out of them so I can connect to them and screen share etc. Had to buy the 24" LED myself but worth it.
Always liked the look of them, then used my uncles 24" iMac for 3 days and fell in love with it, so few weeks later walked into shop and walked out (after paying) with a shiny new iMac :). Want another one...probably a Mac Mini or a Macbook :p
My main gripes are the price of Apple products, the reliability and some of the almost religious owners. :)

Well the prices are never going to change (hell the MacBook got a fair bit more expensive!) so you'll have to live with a damaged wallet for some Apple love. Still it gives the Anti-Mac brigade something to throw into the old PC vs Mac argument.

As for reliability I haven't had any issues with my Apple kit (and I have bee an Apple owner for a long, long time) but I do think the first generations of new Apple products do suffer from some reliability issues (a friend had two of the first gen Intel imacs). Not an issue for me as I normally don't go for 1st gen kit.

Oh and you're right some of us Apple owners can preach a bit - I should know I do it from time to time but as I have said I have been an Apple owner for many a year and love them. I fell in love when I got a Mac Classic way back when...
I had a big, loud, overclocked beige PC box that I built myself, nothing wrong with it really but I had become more and more aware of Macs and OS X to the point that when Steve Jobs appeared holding the Mac Mini in his hand with the 'bring your own display, keyboard and mouse' tag line it seemed like a good time to give it a try. Very quickly sold the Mini to fund a G5 iMac so I could go all in one and now I have a MacBook for Uni.
I wanted a laptop but generic wintel laptops just seem so cheap and rubbish when compared to a Apple machines that i felt i had to have an Apple. I'm not bothered about Windows V's OSX I like both but the build quality and elegance of a Macbook to me was worth the price premium over a wintel laptop.

I started out with a 2nd hand G4 Powerbook (bought from members market) then bought a brand new white Macbook on first launch and now i own a Unibody Macbook.

Trouble is the new Macbook is so beautiful (and expensive) that i'm scared to move it let alone take it out and i find myself using my Acer One netbook far more!
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I've been using Macs for 23 years now, and I'll continue to as long as they make them

I do have a Vista gaming rig tho, cos I like tinkering with its innards :)
Wanted something new.... happens every now and again.

Went a year with Suse on the desktop, then gentoo. Then XP/Vista.

And when I got fed up with Vista at work and also at home. 24" iMac at home. Totally suited for my use, but also totally over speced and under-used.

And at work I blew away my Windows Vista laptop and now have been running Ubuntu 8.1,

The OS is just a tool for me... and any good OS that lets you get on to using your applications without baby sitting you will be transparent.
I've been using them at work for 17 years (started with a IIci!). The relatively current crop with OSX are superb though and I bought a MacBook a couple of years ago for just surfing and music. I use a desktop PC for games and photoshop etc.
I'm considering buying a Mac Mini (when they're updated :rolleyes:') to replace my work PC.

Can't say I need anything more than something to write documents, email and the occassional Photoshop edit.

Not sure how I'll feel about buying the machine to use in work, though. At least I can take it with me if I leave, I suppose...
I got my MacBook Pro because of Music Production reasons primarily. OS X is a really stable and powerful OS to host Music Production programs in, and I do Live Performances as well so stability and power are very important to me.

I've come from a long Windows background, but I found the migration over to OS X very simple, and would never go back. The only thing I see Windows winning one over on OS X is gaming compatibility, but there are many workarounds for this. It's also a shame in a way you can't build your own Mac per se, but then the fact OS X is designed for set and controlled systems really contributes as to why it's so famously stable.
In a word: "Vista" :p

But I have to agree that OSX boots up so quickly and is just more elegant to use than anything Bill's lot have come up with.
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