why do cheats bother playing PC games?

20 Dec 2015
I have been dabbling in MW3 multiplayer for a few weeks and i have come to the conclusion that nearly every match has at least 1 player cheating. These guys cant be killed and only have to look in my direction and i'm dead. Whats the point, why play a game that you are only any good at by cheating? Is this a COD issue or will i come across these losers in other multiplayer games?
COD was/is one of the worst for it but you will find them in most games - playing on well admined servers will usually make it a lot less likely to run into them.
You come across them everywhere. I was big in to BF3 in the run up to BF4 and at the time Humble Bundle sold BF3 for £1.50 or something. The servers suddenly exploded with them, couldn't play a match without getting a headshot from some punk a million miles away.
Tbf a lot of the time they probably aren't cheating. In CS:GO just about every game some one gets accused of it and most of the time they are not.

Those that do mostly do it because winning is everything or just to watch people get mad.
Quake Live was and still is rife. I would say it upwards of a 1/5 of the people are cheating at the top tier. That said, luckily some servers offer a thing called max elo which is a k/d ratio skill level.
It means that the cheaters who always end up with high k/d end up with massive elos, and you can play on a low elo server. The high elo servers are seriously just cheaters killing cheaters.
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At least this is one area where console gaming wins. At least you're getting a 100% fair game.

Not necessarily. Maybe with the newer generation of consoles while their value is still quite high but with the previous generation (at least on Xbox 360) hacking was rampant with Jtagged 360s being very popular and hackers selling their services (e.g. 10th prestige on COD).
Tbf a lot of the time they probably aren't cheating. In CS:GO just about every game some one gets accused of it and most of the time they are not.

Those that do mostly do it because winning is everything or just to watch people get mad.

Depends on the game, for a long time BF4 had very low numbers of cheaters till they started doing free weekends, etc. MW2/3 hit a point where it was silly with probably 40% of players cheating (absolutely no doubts as it was very obvious in the kill cam with many making little effort to hide it).
It all boils down to people getting a kick out of ruining someone else's time. There cannot be any way they get satisfaction from being 'better', so it must just be to annoy people
I stopped playing online FPS after Counter strike hacks got stupid about 10years ago.

BF2 was the best and last online game I enjoyed, everything else has been a hack fest! :mad:
I don't understand serious competitive MP games full stop. Be it CS:GO, StarCraft or whatever.

Don't people get bored of playing the same content for years on end? Just to move up the ranking ladder?

No point answering that, btw. I will never understand.
I'm not a psychologist, so I can't answer the question you pose. Cheating online makes no sense to me, mainly because I'm ridiculously competitive in real life, and cheating online seems like cheating myself. Not everyone feels that way though. I can imagine, I suppose, that some young kids that are low on confidence, feel that winning in any way makes them happy.

I remember being accused of cheating many times playing the original Modern Warfare. There was a map called Creek that I was so good at, I seemed invincible. I was pretty average at most of the other ones to be fair.

Sometimes it seems like someone's cheating, when really they're just good/lucky. Can you be sure they are cheating?
I've been called a cheat/bot/hacker/weapon hacker and all sorts, happens pretty much nightly in Quake 4 (yes few still play it! oO). This one guy just proper rages at me, calls me everything and I mean gets personal!, to which I just reply with ':)', that just sends him off the rails even more. It does kinda motivate me on to destroy him more tbh!

ps. I have never cheated

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I've been called a cheat/bot/hacker/weapon hacker and all sorts, happens pretty much nightly in Quake 4 (yes few still play it! oO). This one guy just proper rages at me, calls me everything lol, to which I just reply with ':)', which just sends him off the rails. It does kinda motivate me on to destroy him more tbh! :D

ps. I have never cheated


Pretty much my point. Back in the day (I'm talking Rogue Spear era), 'cheating' was obvious to us. Warping about the battlefield was common because most everybody had a dialup connection. At least in this country the most anyone had was 56k. The Europeans had 128, and you would die without seeing the guy who shot you. That's cheating as far as we were concerned.

That said, hacking (game hacking anyway) was rare in those days.
I get an awful lot of hackusations against me which is rather irritating. It appears shouting "hacker" is the new version of "good shot".

Thing is there's probably a fair few players who hack you'd never have guessed. It's the rage hackers that peeves me. You can beat a ESP but you can't beat an aimbot :(.
Pretty much my point. Back in the day (I'm talking Rogue Spear era), 'cheating' was obvious to us. Warping about the battlefield was common because most everybody had a dialup connection. At least in this country the most anyone had was 56k. The Europeans had 128, and you would die without seeing the guy who shot you. That's cheating as far as we were concerned.

That said, hacking (game hacking anyway) was rare in those days.

Not really, I wouldn't call that a cheat, more like they have a better connection, bit like when people started to get ISDN here (UK) and playing lpws (modemers), it's just ping/latency advantage, certainly not a cheat in my eyes. That said, back in Quake 2 some of the best duel players had 150+ ping :) Of course, if they warp all over the place then that's a bit pants and they should get a boot!
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