why do cheats bother playing PC games?

Human nature, plus, cheats prosper in life. There's absolutely no doubt about that.

As others have said it's about being an irritant, the whole 'U mad bro?' thing more than winning.
COD was/is one of the worst for it but you will find them in most games - playing on well admined servers will usually make it a lot less likely to run into them.

Got a few of them the other day on Rainbow Six Siege. They blocked going through a door, until we thermited it and stormed the joint... we won. But he did the same the next match (SAS building at the top floor)

It ruins the game for everyone. For what? A 'kick'. :confused:
It hacks me off when I start a game at the beginning and someone gets a nuke within minutes. A couple of days ago I was shot many times by the same opposing player who on the killcam was just shooting indiscriminately at walls. during the same session a game of domination had the winning teams top scorerer with over 100 kills!!!!! Everyone else was in the 5-20ish range.

I mistakenly thought I was playing a team game but that is far from accurate, as soon as the matches start everyone scatters!
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