It's not a dodgy machine. The software is dodgy, that's the problem.
Don't care if you're some IT guy with a meaningless paper certification. I've found some pretty serious bugs with this OS and I happen to know a thing or two about this subject shall we say. Probably the most annoying right now is all the bugs in its USB support. Just this morning I had to reboot because the touchpad and keyboard in the machine stopped responding whilst my external USB mouse and keyboard were working fine. And plugging in my Nexus 4 phone to charge it will instantly crash the USB controller and prevents use of the touchpad and keyboard. The only way to recover from that is to hold down the Power button. The OS doesn't even seem to do a file system integrity check when it boots back up. I've Google'd these issues are they are all well-known, so not something that can just be blamed on my machine.
OK, now you're just coming off as ignorant as well as arrogant.
I bow to your couple of months of Apple ownership, and realize that my years of experience and Apple certifications are utterly meaningless in that context.