Why do people think OSX is so great?

It's not a dodgy machine. The software is dodgy, that's the problem.

Don't care if you're some IT guy with a meaningless paper certification. I've found some pretty serious bugs with this OS and I happen to know a thing or two about this subject shall we say. Probably the most annoying right now is all the bugs in its USB support. Just this morning I had to reboot because the touchpad and keyboard in the machine stopped responding whilst my external USB mouse and keyboard were working fine. And plugging in my Nexus 4 phone to charge it will instantly crash the USB controller and prevents use of the touchpad and keyboard. The only way to recover from that is to hold down the Power button. The OS doesn't even seem to do a file system integrity check when it boots back up. I've Google'd these issues are they are all well-known, so not something that can just be blamed on my machine.

OK, now you're just coming off as ignorant as well as arrogant.

I bow to your couple of months of Apple ownership, and realize that my years of experience and Apple certifications are utterly meaningless in that context. :rolleyes:
Jeez Nathan. You're more issues that anyone I've ever come across with a PC. I can't say any of those issues have error occurred with the systems I've used. So I can't really chime in on them.

Have to taken it in and complained? They'd probably swap out the machine, and you could see if it really was the issue.
It's not a dodgy machine. The software is dodgy, that's the problem.

It's 16GB. Though my Windows VM has 8GB of that. Don't tell me that OSX needs more than 8GB to run a few Chrome tabs, iTunes, Skype, Transmission and a Xamarin iOS Build Host? Because those are literally the only user processes I have running on OSX.

Don't care if you're some IT guy with a meaningless paper certification. I've found some pretty serious bugs with this OS and I happen to know a thing or two about this subject shall we say. Probably the most annoying right now is all the bugs in its USB support. Just this morning I had to reboot because the touchpad and keyboard in the machine stopped responding whilst my external USB mouse and keyboard were working fine. And plugging in my Nexus 4 phone to charge it will instantly crash the USB controller and prevents use of the touchpad and keyboard. The only way to recover from that is to hold down the Power button. The OS doesn't even seem to do a file system integrity check when it boots back up. I've Google'd these issues are they are all well-known, so not something that can just be blamed on my machine.

so reload osx just like you do on windows. If the problems still exist then it may well be a hardware fault. Then.. take it back to Apple for a full replacement if you can prove what's happening. Problems happen on OSX as well as Windows. No technology is perfect.
OK, now you're just coming off as ignorant as well as arrogant.

I bow to your couple of months of Apple ownership, and realize that my years of experience and Apple certifications are utterly meaningless in that context. :rolleyes:
So it's okay when some guy parades around his cert and suggests I may be ignorant about how the concept of virtual memory works. But when I call him out on that it makes me arrogant? Give over mate. You've been hostile in this thread ever since your first post.

Nah, he'd rather blame it on "bugs" in OS X and lecture from his soap box. :D
Give over.

Cuchulain said:
What he's done is trawl Google for known bugs and claimed he's experienced them, if he did the same for Windows he'd have worn out his keyboard on the first post.
Conspiracy theorist? Yeah, maybe I don't even own the MacBook at all and I'm just making this all up! Unfortunately I don't eat bread so no OcUK Motors style "loaf of Hovis upon MacBook" photo will be materialising :D But more seriously, maybe the next time the USB controller screws up or I get a "beachball of death freeze" I will take a video for you guys.

so reload osx just like you do on windows. If the problems still exist then it may well be a hardware fault. Then.. take it back to Apple for a full replacement if you can prove what's happening. Problems happen on OSX as well as Windows. No technology is perfect.
I could spend several days reloading my machine, sure. But my research has suggested this would be a fruitless exercise since these appear to be well known issues. If I saw logical reasons why a reinstall might fix these issues then I would obviously go ahead and do it, but I am not seeing it currently.
A lot of hostility in this thread, from both sides.

Nathan, I have to side with others here. I've been using OSX as my main OS for years now and have never experienced the level of issues you have. It does sound like (and you can't deny, it kinda does) you could potentially have a hardware issue or you have an OS Corruption. Actually, I lie. The only time I have experienced high level of crashing/freezing is when my OS HDD was on its way out.

It might be worth running a repair install to see if it helps - http://apple.stackexchange.com/ques...-reinstall-mac-os-x-lion-without-erasing-data

That would be my first port of call :)

I could spend several days reloading my machine, sure. But my research has suggested this would be a fruitless exercise since these appear to be well known issues. If I saw logical reasons why a reinstall might fix these issues then I would obviously go ahead and do it, but I am not seeing it currently.

So report it to Apple then. Theres nothing anyone can do in this thread to fix your problem.....

EDIT: On another note move back to Windows if you are unhappy with OSX... no doubt you will complain about Windows in another thread too.
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I'm with Phate on this. Then again I've got a meaningless paper Apple certification which I've not been parading around so what would I know?

So it's okay when some guy parades around his cert and suggests I may be ignorant about how the concept of virtual memory works. But when I call him out on that it makes me arrogant? Give over mate. You've been hostile in this thread ever since your first post.

A little browned off at your holier than thou attitude perhaps, not meaning to be hostile. I'm not here to pick a fight, genuinely try to help people out, even when the first post is somewhat ranty. If you can't deal with my refusal to accept everything you write as the way it should be, when Apple lore is otherwise then so be it.

Feel free to pigeon-hole me as hostile Apple fanboi, but it's not the case. OS X at home, mainly Windows at work with a bit of OS X.
It's hard to understand the point of the OP apart from trying to prove some kind of technical prowess or Apple hate.

Issues with new kit are definitely frustrating but ignoring peoples advice because you're too proud is pretty silly.

You've pointed out some things you don't like, and you've pointed out some issues which people have offered solutions for.

Take what you need :)
Hehe! I wasn't even calling you ignorant per se. I was merely saying that people in general blame a lot of their problems they have with a different OS on not knowing. Geez.

Oh well, tried to help anyway! :)

Bit confusing when people are trying to help and then you just slate them for "insulting your intelligence".
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In terms of your point about battery life I don't agree. I get an easy full day from my MacBook running OSX. When I move it to Windows I get 3 hours.
I love my Air 13" :p but osx does have it's issues. Totally agree with points on finder, it's awful and as a programmer I still don't understand how to use it properly :(

Battery has been amazing on the air but then I use it for pretty trivial stuff really. When I need to do admin/build stuff at work with it I just remote in to my windows PC. Saves running VM's or dual boot.
I love my Air 13" :p but osx does have it's issues. Totally agree with points on finder, it's awful and as a programmer I still don't understand how to use it properly :(

Battery has been amazing on the air but then I use it for pretty trivial stuff really. When I need to do admin/build stuff at work with it I just remote in to my windows PC. Saves running VM's or dual boot.

Install Finder++ - its very good :)
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