Why do people whistle, do they think it's a show of talent?

I whistle a lot.

I recall a friend who I lived with for a few years asked me to stop as it was annoying him :(

It's instinctual/habit when a song pops in my head. Nothing to do with showing off :cry:. Whistling is hardly an amazing skill is it?

Edit - Doh! Old thread revival.
I miss those days.
what wolf whistling? taxi whistling? or just whistling really loud for the hell of it?

I never could do it tbh, well once I did but never really tried, I guess it's easier to master with a video like that.
next time I'm walking somewhere with no one around I might try to learn it
I don't understand this, I never have. There's a guy downstairs at work whistling a tune ad nauseam. It's excrutiatingly annoying. What I don't understand is why people do this in public. Do they think, "I'm talented and people will benefit from this sound" or do they think, "everyone should know how happy I am" or "people will be impressed by this"?

Because no-one is. No-one whistling has ever done anything but increased their chances of being punched in the mouth.

Do you whistle or do you know people who do?
Probably wrote this in the original, whistlers and cap wearers have something to hide
I wear a cap.
I used to whistle. I can’t whistle any more after tongue surgery.
I still wear a cap.

I don’t have a whippet.

I have nothing to hide, you’ve seen it all :D :cry:
Do people still whistle at random women? Here in the sticks you're more likely to find a sheep dog in your lap than find yourself a date. Or is it now akin to molestation and attempted rape to the modern female's lug `ole?

I never hear it - though I have noticed some signs on station platforms on the Underground these days about "NO CATCALLING" and "NO STARING" because of stare rape.

The girl up the road was cutting the hedge the other week and a good few horns were being sounded, unsurprisingly, she's fit as a butcher's dog, but I didn't hear any siffleurs. I remember my mother saying that as a girl, if she went out and didn't get a few wolf whistles she'd be a bit jaded.

I find that quite interesting, so some people used to quite like the wolf-whistling?
what wolf whistling? taxi whistling? or just whistling really loud for the hell of it?

I never could do it tbh, well once I did but never really tried, I guess it's easier to master with a video like that.
next time I'm walking somewhere with no one around I might try to learn it

Well there is my weekend sorted, learning to whistle really loud for the hell of it.
I never hear it - though I have noticed some signs on station platforms on the Underground these days about "NO CATCALLING" and "NO STARING" because of stare rape.

I find that quite interesting, so some people used to quite like the wolf-whistling?

Good God yes, many women found it highly flattering, probably still do. Try it.
I never hear it - though I have noticed some signs on station platforms on the Underground these days about "NO CATCALLING" and "NO STARING" because of stare rape.

I find that quite interesting, so some people used to quite like the wolf-whistling?

That'll be a case of penetrating eyes then....
I don't think this is very good advice these days. I wouldn't recommend anyone started wolf-whistling in the street at women in the 21st century.
Boring. Proper women love it really. (Not the ones with Adam's apples and a 5 'o clock shadow mind) ;)

I just asked the wife and a friend of hers that's here. If they don't like a wolf whistle they are either unsure if the whistler is taking the Mickey or they're in Donald's gang.

Caveat, looking at them both I think wolf whistles were last received some decades ago.... :)
My wife does it but she doesn't know she's doing it.
When I worked on a massive factory there was one bloke you could hear 30 assembly lines away above all the noise and he whistled none tunes.
As he got closer it was unbearable and we'd all be shouting at him, again he didn't realise he was doing it.
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