Why do people whistle, do they think it's a show of talent?

You're not alone


People who have misophonia are most commonly angered, and even enraged, by common ambient sounds, such as other people clipping their nails, brushing teeth, eating crushed ice, eating, breathing, sniffing, talking, sneezing, yawning, walking, chewing gum, laughing, snoring, typing on a keyboard, whistling or coughing; certain consonants; or repetitive sounds
I often whistle, I don't consciously decide to do it, I usually just have a tune in my head and end up whistling to myself without noticing.
This is me, I have a disorder, hurrah. All of these things I find extremely irritating.

If you are enraged by the sound of laughing, or worse yet - breathing - then you really need to find yourself a nice little uninhabited island somewhere.

Ideally whilst holding your own breath indefinitely, so that the sound of your own traitorous lungs doesn't send you into a mad frenzy.

No, in short, you're pretty much screwed.
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