It can take a genius to make a brutally simple song good.
Of course some artists have more talent that others - yet their music may be less well produced or less easy-listening than the latest record-company puppet. But people choose to look behind the bare sound and into the meaning, or composition.
Much like art. An abstract piece could well have been produced by a toddler, but that toddler won't have put the thought into composition, interpretation etc.
So back to music - thrash metal goes right over my head - but if you sit and listen long enough and look into the artist, you can hear the tune, the beat, and feel the anger/sorrow/angst* behind the tune.
My personal take on James Blunt, Coldplay and the like are that their lyrics are vague enough to speak to many many people - they seem to speak of general emotions rather than experiences. It's okay but it doesn't talk to me. Unfortunately "Beautiful" was overplayed to buggery and I grew to very much dislike Blunt's voice - so anything he does now makes me want to tell him to pull himself together, silly boy.
(*delete as applicable)