Why does the UK hate cyclists?

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This is the same thing I encounter every day. That and doddering old gits. Most of my commute is 60mph country roads where you constantly get stuck behind cyclists at 15mph. Definitely not the car drivers causing congestion round here!
I’m sure it must add whole minutes a week to your commuting.
That's quite interesting as the source data suggests they included 16 and 17 years olds and excluded provisional licenses, so the actual number will be higher when only looking at those eligible to drive.

Got a link? My click skills are failing me
Re red light jumping, it has been suggested that like car drivers, some cyclists do, and some don’t.
Stand at any junction with traffic lights in London, and you’ll see that it’s more like some cyclists stop at a red light, but the vast majority don’t, while with vehicles, it’s almost every one of them stops when the lights are red, but occasionally one or two don’t.
So yes, some cyclists ignore red lights, like a big percentage, while one or two cars will run a red, but almost all cars will stop.

Pretty much every day I see people sailing through red lights as the other lights are turning green. If you’re too quick off the mark when the lights go green you’ll get hit by some berk going through because it was still green when they were 50 yards up the road and they figured if they floored it that would be ok...
About 40 mins a day. So...yeah it does.

Wait, so you're saying that cyclists cause 40 mins worth of delays to your commute every day?

If that's what you're actually saying then that's either bull **** or you're an incompetent driver that can't overtake safely.

If you're telling the truth, get a dashcam and record your journey. If it's the truth, I'll give you double the price of the dashcam.
Wait, so you're saying that cyclists cause 40 mins worth of delays to your commute every day?

Yeah. I literally get stuck behind the same cyclists on the same roads because...wait for it...i drive the same route every day! As I said, single carriageway country roads so overtaking isn't always safe and with traffic coming the other way very difficult.
Lol. Not a chance you are held up for 40 minutes a day by cyclists. Not a chance. Let’s see the dash cam footage. That is obviously ********.

Send me a cam.

I can do the same journey in 20 mins when the roads are clear sticking to the limit. I actually do the journey more quickly in crap weather because there are fewer riders out.
Guys just dont bother dis replys just show that he is here to troll you all.

Like i said already, lack of eduction and respect from all sides is the problem.
Obviously ********.

That or you are absolutely the worlds most useless driver, without any overtaking ability, or wit to find an alternative route to get you past this veritable peloton that besets you every day.

What, you find it unusual that people travel the same route to work every day?
Send me a cam.

I can do the same journey in 20 mins when the roads are clear sticking to the limit. I actually do the journey more quickly in crap weather because there are fewer riders out.

Buy this one for 17gbp and I'll send you 50gbp when you post a youtube video showing cyclists causing you 40 mins of delay.
Cyclist are a non issue on country roads. You just have to be patient and wait for a good passing place if you can’t pass them immediately. It will barely delay your journey.

Nice hypocritical post there!

They're a non issue yet you have to wait for a good passing place?
What, you find it unusual that people travel the same route to work every day?
No, I find it unusual that everything is timed so perfectly that every single day without fail you encounter so many impassable cyclists on your route to work. Do you set an alarm? Do you all coordinate this or something?

How far are you driving to work and where? Can I come and ride along with you? I would seriously love to see the horde of cyclists that holds you up for 40 minutes every single day.

Utter tripe.
You buy it, send it to me. Job done?

No, because you're lying and I'll be 17gbp down for it.

If my commute was delayed by 40mins every day due to cyclists I'd already have a film of it that I'd have sent to the council demanding some infrastructure improvements.
Try the crossing at Southwark bridge every day for a few weeks. I guarantee that there will be at least one day where you nearly get run down by a cyclist skipping a red light or just being a dick.

It's insane and I've almost got to the stage where I want to kick the light skipping idiots off their bikes.
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