Why halo not on pc :(

Not sure if serious, but if you weren't around at the time then one of the ones that was probably chiefly responsible for Halo's failure was UT2003 which launched around the same time and was a better multiplayer game in just about every way imaginable. Also Counterstrike and Team Fortress were still going quite strong at that point.

As far as single player games go the are just too many to mention. This was Halos big problem in trying to conquer the PC, it was never an A class game, just a solid B+ in a world of C class games, when it came to the PC it had to swim with the bigger fish and got eaten. That and the graphics were subpar without a TV to smooth them.

I was talking about now. I can't think of a single player story driven FPS on PC as good as the Halo's at the moment. Even then there weren't many.
I was talking about now. I can't think of a single player story driven FPS on PC as good as the Halo's at the moment. Even then there weren't many.

Metro 2033/Last Light.

Borderlands 2.

Bioshock series.

Half life series (GFX are still as good as a current Halo game so why not).

Plus dozens more.
I was talking about now. I can't think of a single player story driven FPS on PC as good as the Halo's at the moment. Even then there weren't many.

Aye, the SP element of FPS titles these days is lacking.

I think probably the most recent ones would be Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite. I suppose technically GTAV can be listed as an FPS title. Borderlands 2, Deus Ex HR, Far Cry 4, Metro Last Light etc.

Personally I used to enjoy split screen Co-Op Halo on the Xbox, but I think the franchise is now very firmly geared towards a younger generation of console gamers.

Titanfall was the most recent Halo clone, but it had a shcoking single player.....

That is the issue for space like FPS games, they are deemed to be halo clones. I suppose Destiny is an OK SP game, but it is not available on PC.
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Metro 2033/Last Light.

Borderlands 2.

Bioshock series.

Half life series (GFX are still as good as a current Halo game so why not).

Plus dozens more.

Borderlands is an RPG really, it's nothing like Halo. Plus these are all on console as well. I was asking what all these huge PC exclusives were that meant Halo was a small fish. Really it just kind of sounds like sour grapes.
Borderlands is an RPG really, it's nothing like Halo. Plus these are all on console as well. I was asking what all these huge PC exclusives were that meant Halo was a small fish. Really it just kind of sounds like sour grapes.

Oh I see what you are saying. Probably none at present. Back when the originals were released, though, it was a different story.

I suppose MS have got to try and bolster their sales somehow considering they have only sold something like half of what Sony have! :p

Personally I don't really mind Halo is not on PC. From what I gather the recent games have been a bit meh anyway, but I admit I have not played Halo since ODST.
I was asking what all these huge PC exclusives were that meant Halo was a small fish.

Well if you scroll up people have named the games that killed Halo 1/2 on PC. PC exclusives don't really exist anymore hence Borderlands/etc coming out on consoles too, there's no point not making a game multiformat when the cost is so low these days.

Personally I would like to see Halo return to the PC, but Microsoft probably have itchy feet after the previous failures.
Back when Halo was first announced PC Gamer did a big exclusive about how it was going to be the best thing since sliced bread. Bit of a bummer when it went XBox exclusive. But as others have said, there were plenty of good choices for singleplayer and multiplayer that meant I didn't really miss it.
Wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that Halo games are overrated?

Halo 1 = Best Campaign, Local multiplayer
Halo 2 = Ok'ish Campaign, Local/Online Multiplayer
Halo 3 = Ok'ish Campaign, Online Multiplayer

Everything after is pants really.

Halo 1 was the greatest, Halo 2 I had epic hours of online multiplayer. Halo 3 online was ok too and then that should have been the end of Halo, its now becoming like a Call Of Duty franchise to be honest.
Halo 1 + 2 are on PC (but hard to find).
Halo3 is on PC in Russia only right now.

They are? I had a quick look and prices seem to be about £30 for Halo:CE :eek:

I still have my disc and I've played it this year :p since the punkbuster severs going down, the game was patched with servers to keep MP going :D

Hectic to play but wasn't half bad and brought back memories.
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The other Halo games will come to PC when all the hype dies down, people have moved on and they no longer care.
I'd be ok with that. They get to maximize their value of releasing Halo as an Xbox console seller while PC gamers ultimately get to enjoy it a year or two later, with new GPU's out capable of playing the game at 4k/60fps.
Wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that Halo games are overrated?

No, you're not on your own, the Halo series is vastly overrated. I remember buying Halo on release for XB and wondering what all the fuss was about. Don't get me wrong, it was alright but, it certainly wasn't the 10/10 that just about every games mag bestowed on it at the time. Half Life trounced it in just about every department.

The story wasn't gripping and the actual gameplay was underwhelming compared to what we already had on PC. On the plus side some of the pitched battles were well thought out/scripted and the Co-op was a lot of fun with a mate. I also liked the introduction of sticky bombs.

I thought the second was dire.

The third was ok but I was already bored of Halo by then so didn't finish it and never played anymore.
Halo isn't overrated. You few just didn't like it as much as others did.

I prefer Halo to Half Life honestly. Better encounters, fun vehicles, more satisfying gunplay, great online aspects.
I didn't think the Halo titles would be to my liking, but as it turned out, they were. I'd like to see more of the series become available to the PC. Only the single player for me, though.
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