Why is CS:GO a thing?

15 Oct 2018
I have it in my steam library (recently got my 5 year 'coin') having played one game. I performed above average in that game compared with others on my 60 Hz 3440x1440 at like 100+ fps.

Why is CS: Go a thing? I remember playing it when it was a Half Life mod many years ago, but it's still somehow relevant with many demanding 100 fps+ in it with Gsync/freesync 144hz etc.

During my recent 1 game stint on that game it was foreign kids talking, and yet people actually play this ****ing game day in day out. Please explain it, because I'm not getting it despite being a CS fan from ancient days. It's nothing like it was, yet 'serious gamers' state it for the purpose of getting their 20 million fps to be competitive.

What adult plays this nonsense.
I have it in my steam library (recently got my 5 year 'coin') having played one game. I performed above average in that game compared with others on my 60 Hz 3440x1440 at like 100+ fps.

Why is CS: Go a thing? I remember playing it when it was a Half Life mod many years ago, but it's still somehow relevant with many demanding 100 fps+ in it with Gsync/freesync 144hz etc.

During my recent 1 game stint on that game it was foreign kids talking, and yet people actually play this ****ing game day in day out. Please explain it, because I'm not getting it despite being a CS fan from ancient days. It's nothing like it was, yet 'serious gamers' state it for the purpose of getting their 20 million fps to be competitive.

What adult plays this nonsense.

What adult plays this nonsense :D

CS undoubtedly has the highest skill ceiling out of any FPS game in history (Quake arguably comes close). At a professional level it requires you to have an unbelievable amount of gamesense, strategy, patience and experience - all of which need to be topped off with aim (learning patterns etc). There is a reason why professional organisations pay 6 figure salaries, why Audi sponsor the likes of Astralis and why a professional player will still **** all over a level 10 FACEIT player.

I grew up with CS 1.5/1.6 but CS:GO is just on another level. New weapons and an updated economy have changed the core meta of the game, it's a lot more difficult now. Also the removal of skyboxes enabling you to throw utility across the map for executing is just another new element to the game.
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It really is difficult to throw off the expectation that it should feel the same as CS:S or the original, however I appreciate that this isn't a realistic viewpoint things change and what you're used to may feel subjectively better when in reality that isn't the case. You just have to listen to people that actually believe Goldeneye is still better than modern games to see this.
CS:GO is popular because it has a very high skill ceiling, although I'm not amazing (Gold Nova 4).

Valve has been making a big push to try and casualize it to appeal to a broader audience IMO, but it's still a satisfying game.

I wouldn't write it off after 1 game, you get out of it what you put into it.
Interesting stuff, perhaps it's me being nostalgic for when the zxc keyboard speech commands were the gold standard in CS comms, when microphones online didn't exist unless you were teamspeaking it with your clan. My one game online appalled me with the sound of boys whose voices hadn't broken yet, though they were quite well behaved (even if speaking several different languages amongst themselves - back in the old days it was silent over the airways).

I was once fairly high ranking in TFC and CS and duking it out with clans in both, though we're talking near Y2K for each. I've left it behind long ago and am struggling to see why it's still going on, though I'm probably a dinosaur by today's standards. I'm certainly struggling to see why it's driving the big 100fps+ standard to be competitive, when I thought it'd be phased well out by now.
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I've never got into CS:GO but did spend a massive amount of time playing the original CS and a bit of CS:S back in the day.

I find the massive market penetration and how absorbed people are by the BR games like PUBG kind of odd though - totally don't see it myself. I've not infrequently been out in public and heard people around me talking excitedly about their antics in the game in detail.
The entire competitive ecosystem has improved massively for CS - you don't need to search IRC for scrims or pugs, pay for your own servers or rent Ventrilo channels anymore. Platforms like FACEIT, ESEA and ESL exist with leaderboards, ranks, hubs and leagues. To top all that off you have Discord for comms, which takes all of 10 seconds to create a server. A matchmaking system also exists within the game. I know the likes of ESEA and ESL existed back in CS 1.6, but they were no where near as polished as they are now.

Overall CS is just better - it's more automated, arguably better supported and with a bigger competitive scene.
What adult plays this nonsense :D

CS undoubtedly has the highest skill ceiling out of any FPS game in history (Quake arguably comes close). At a professional level it requires you to have an unbelievable amount of gamesense, strategy, patience and experience - all of which need to be topped off with aim (learning patterns etc). There is a reason why professional organisations pay 6 figure salaries, why Audi sponsor the likes of Astralis and why a professional player will still **** all over a level 10 FACEIT player.

I grew up with CS 1.5/1.6 but CS:GO is just on another level. New weapons and an updated economy have changed the core meta of the game, it's a lot more difficult now. Also the removal of skyboxes enabling you to throw utility across the map for executing is just another new element to the game.

Despite not understanding much of what you said (for which I make no apologies), for some reason it brought to mind CS_assault Y2k era. The idea of salaried players for this game disgusts me :P Goddamn, something wrong with this scene for such a game.
Loved 1.3-1.6 but stopped when Source started to get ridiculous with a loads of a) Cheaters b) Masses of modded servers c) Rules on server d) Way to many leagues and clans

I had way over 2000 hours on Counterstrike according to X-Fire at the time (those were the days) and was in a couple of "Clans" over the years.

When CS:GO came along on I played it and thought "The hell is this ****". Horrible UI to start, loads of unlock crap and skins. It's almost like they mashed TF:2 with CS:S and pumped it for the new kids. So kinda felt it left out my generation.

It's another game, not just game actually, another thing in general I find myself saying "I enjoyed this before it was cool" and "What have they done?!". I'm getting old and I hate this new generation of games and gamers :p
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I'm with you Rossi, I have ancient maps flashing before my eyes with every post and nostalgia galore. Argh! another one, was just thinking of CS siege and now remembering CS militia. I think there was some CS nonsense tournament shown on Sky Arts at one point, I might have to watch that the next time it crops up (if ever) or see if it's available on demand, as I'm clearly not getting the buzz about it this decade otherwise.
its a great game that is purely down to skill of the player. That is super competitive with no pay to win aspect.

I don't play as much as I did and for that my skill level has dropped dramatically, but it was my main game.

No endless hours of grinding to unlock the better weapons. Everyone starts with the same opportunity
because its so old and well scripted it makes it very balanced = down to pure skill.

pretty much this.

the maps have been perfected. it's the best FPS game for pure FPS skill.

most people who don't have a clue won't understand how much skill is involved when you get above MG2 and how important voice comms are. you need to relay info to your team. if OP doesn't understand you need a mic to play this game properly then he's most likely a silver player and those guys are just cannon fodder.
I started playing on 1.3, when you could bunnyhop around the map and my internet connection was in no way able to play properly. Did serious clan matches around the 1.5 era on Enemydown and Clanbase. often did 3 day marathons without sleep gaming and had my own server and clan. Started doing a lot of climb maps too well before they became popular, as my servers owner introduced me to them (and UO which later took over my life).and before mods where you could save your position;

I was quite hatred of 1.6 and steam when it came along, and kept my clan on 1.5 until I couldnt anymore and they shut down the won servers. I did play for a year or so non-competively at 1.6 but gave up eventually for different games, mainly UO.

I tried source but found it horrible, the bouncy movement grated on me. I do have CS:GO, and do play it now and again purely because it's the latest CS. I often go and play 1.6 though on de_aztec map (UGC.LT), as that was, still is and probably always will be the best map I enjoyed on cs.

I have always known talking to be a thing on cs, although it was never with all talk always on.
Because counterstrike is awesome. Very few games have existed for so long without dropping off.

Everyone has a favourite version but ultimately everyone whose played it a fair amount will say it's a good game. It's good for a casual messabout and has the depth for competitive play.

I miss the source days where people used to talk utter ****. You still get it in GO occasionally but I want more if it. Seems gaming in general has moved away from voice comms even if it is to trash talk or mess about with soundboards.
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