Why is CS:GO a thing?

I have played cs since the betas, god only knows how many hours I put into 1.6, CZ and GO. I didn't game much for a spell so didn't bother with source much.

I played allot of CS GO but came to the realization about 12 months ago I wasn't having fun playing it any more, the amount of ruskies and cheaters ruining games it just wasn't worth it.

The player base is just so different to the early days, there's too much emphasis on the competitive side imo. I didn't find much of a social aspect to it.

I remember back in the days of Enemydown and SGL, clans all had their own public servers. You would play a couple of league games or PCWs then jump on some public servers for a mess around. Servers filled with regulars where most people knew each other. Decent map rotations with a bit scoutzknives or iceworld thrown in for a laugh.

I helped admin a CSGO community for a while and it was a uphill battle, if you changed the map from D2 the server would empty.

We banned some kid for cheating who paid a DDos service to take down our servers.

There's not really and clans now, just mix teams. I stopped playing public and just started playing match making with the same groups of people. But there would be drama with that, back seat players and rank snobbery. "no you can't invite so and so they are too low a rank".

I like the game, I just dont tend to like the people who play it.
What adult plays this nonsense :D

CS undoubtedly has the highest skill ceiling out of any FPS game in history (Quake arguably comes close). At a professional level it requires you to have an unbelievable amount of gamesense, strategy, patience and experience - all of which need to be topped off with aim (learning patterns etc). There is a reason why professional organisations pay 6 figure salaries, why Audi sponsor the likes of Astralis and why a professional player will still **** all over a level 10 FACEIT player.

I grew up with CS 1.5/1.6 but CS:GO is just on another level. New weapons and an updated economy have changed the core meta of the game, it's a lot more difficult now. Also the removal of skyboxes enabling you to throw utility across the map for executing is just another new element to the game.

Quake has the highest skill ceiling compared to Counterstrike. Most CS players has said this but where Counterstrike excels is in esports compared to Quake.
I have played cs since the betas, god only knows how many hours I put into 1.6, CZ and GO. I didn't game much for a spell so didn't bother with source much.

I played allot of CS GO but came to the realization about 12 months ago I wasn't having fun playing it any more, the amount of ruskies and cheaters ruining games it just wasn't worth it.

The player base is just so different to the early days, there's too much emphasis on the competitive side imo. I didn't find much of a social aspect to it.

I remember back in the days of Enemydown and SGL, clans all had their own public servers. You would play a couple of league games or PCWs then jump on some public servers for a mess around. Servers filled with regulars where most people knew each other. Decent map rotations with a bit scoutzknives or iceworld thrown in for a laugh.

I helped admin a CSGO community for a while and it was a uphill battle, if you changed the map from D2 the server would empty.

We banned some kid for cheating who paid a DDos service to take down our servers.

There's not really and clans now, just mix teams. I stopped playing public and just started playing match making with the same groups of people. But there would be drama with that, back seat players and rank snobbery. "no you can't invite so and so they are too low a rank".

I like the game, I just dont tend to like the people who play it.

I agree about the community and regulars. Some servers still have a community - i see a lot of the same faces in 1.6 servers i play, albiet mutes who just type "rank" or "rs" to reset score.

I did love the rush of iceworld and scoutzknives. I do play the scoutzknivez maps on cs:go quite a bit. Used to like aim_akcolt too and a few awp maps or he_glass
I played allot of CS GO but came to the realization about 12 months ago I wasn't having fun playing it any more, the amount of ruskies and cheaters ruining games it just wasn't worth it.

I've just returned to CS:GO after a long absence, mainly for the above reason. I've also just read the last few pages of the PUBG thread, which I dropped CS:GO to play for a while.

In my opinion, playing online FPS shooters is becoming less and less fun due to the toxic nature of the online gaming community. Although it was probably always there, back in the day when I used to play UT in a clan, (Before teamspeak - all comms in-game were keybinds!) people actually wanted to play as a TEAM, and there was far less bullcrap and flaming. About 1 in 3 competitive games I play on CS:GO feature some inter-team abuse/teamkilling/blamegame etc. Perhaps that's a rank thing though?

PUBG was getting the same, so i've moved away from that now. Teams not looting together etc.

I guess I just need more freinds to play with *sniff sniff*.....
It is a very toxic community and there are a lot of cheaters. Places like csgostats.gg allow you to upload your match shortcuts and it'll analyse the games and assign it to each participant's game history. You can then check back over the game in a week (to a few months) and see if anyone has been banned. I've only played it for about 9 months, and played 400 games, and have around 55 banned opponents. I'm current ranked at Master Guardian Elite, and there are so many cheaters at this rank, it is truly insane.
pretty much this.

if OP doesn't understand you need a mic to play this game properly then he's most likely a silver player and those guys are just cannon fodder.

I'm not any rank as far as I know, the one game I played was casual :p

I shall try to be more open minded regarding the popularity of CS. I certainly remember it fondly from when it was a Half Life mod, though I still have no desire to get in to CS:GO at all.

I'm slightly curious how the players who consider themselves 'top' now would do with a latency of about 450 ms :p I (eventually) did unusually well at that ping by predicting where to shoot half a second ahead based on some subconscious law of averages that was ingrained in me over 1000s of games in Half Life DM, TFC, and CS on a 56k modem with an apparently poor phone line. I eventually got ISDN and it was a revelation to play with a ping of about 50-120.

And to think players now consider themselves at a disadvantage if they're not at 144 hz with multi-directional audio through headphones.

I guess my disadvantage back then wasn't so bad as everyone else was on a ping of about 200-250 usually, except those playing on a University's T1 connection or on ISDN. Those were the day's. And of course Europeans who had cable in their country. Not sure if ADSL was around back then.
What adult plays this nonsense :D

CS undoubtedly has the highest skill ceiling out of any FPS game in history (Quake arguably comes close). At a professional level it requires you to have an unbelievable amount of gamesense, strategy, patience and experience - all of which need to be topped off with aim (learning patterns etc). There is a reason why professional organisations pay 6 figure salaries, why Audi sponsor the likes of Astralis and why a professional player will still **** all over a level 10 FACEIT player.

My neckbeard doubled in size just reading this paragraph
I preferred the hl mod setup also. The nature of csgo is to balance pings via netcode which means a far wider mix of players, often involving russians. The old CS it might be just one server that could regulate players and most games involved a majority of regulars. It was far more organised in that way, now its chaos but the advantage now is the game does a good attempt at balancing teams.

Casual game mode I dont recommend and I think its promoting ghosting and generally its not serious. To just very quickly play most will do deathmatch, I prefer arms race but I'm not serious about CS. The reason its 20 years old and likely to continue is its multi faceted, where its possible to win a game vs a 'better player' with just some basic strategy.
A new FPS now is going to struggle to introduce a similar dynamic, call it paper rock scissors type of multiple counters, thats not it exactly but its a bit of a timeless game for being more then just point and click or solely objective based etc. Try one of the Tom Clancy games perhaps if fed up of CS

FragDeluxe have some decent 5v5 servers & a "Community 14v14" one - I tend to spend most of my CS:GO hours on there now, to be honest; just can't be bothered with MM or Faceit anymore.


They're hosted in Germany but the majority of the players are English speaking - fills up in the evenings.

Tried this out and it was actually ok after a small amount of waiting, collecting players. CS can take some patience it has to be said. We got some decent games done without requiring MM or a formal service like faceit or esea, all of which should be tried before giving up on the game
Quake has the highest skill ceiling compared to Counterstrike. Most CS players has said this but where Counterstrike excels is in esports compared to Quake.

Missed this post before - great use of music / scenes in that video.

I played both competitively and hung around some of the "pro" communities and definitely both have insane skill ceilings but quake has everything CS has and more when it comes to potential for skill even if very low TTK isn't a base feature of the game but high level players can easily be skirting with how far you can push it health wise, etc.
I'd rather play rainbow six siege tbh. I sorta get the appeal but there's better stuff out there now
I'm the same. I remember playing CS from inception back when I was doing GCSEs and loving it right through to 1.6, then we got Source and I loved the physics/smashing glass/detail in cs_office and I could see games moving forward. Then I saw GO and I was just thinking wtf is this?? - what a step back!

I guess what I wanted was a more realistic SWAT game whereas everyone else wanted Quake in a quasi realistic setting.
For a little while I dropped into the ranked matchmaking and found myself at a decent rank, can't recall which but higher than Novas.

I can see the appeal. Its one of the few purist competitive FPS games out there. No classes, unlocks or other 'progression' quirks.

I like competitive Overwatch for example but it's far more casual and is ever changing (new heros for example)
Sound like something a silver would say.

It's well optimised. Look at recent games like pubg and I'd argue C's:go looks and plays better.

The netcode is spot on.

You don't lose due to bs but skill

I think a lot of this comes down to the engine! It’s proud lack of features make it so easy for anything to run! I belive that’s why It can run such a high tick rate compared to other modern FPS games.

I’m not sure about the graphics looking better though personally.
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