Why is it all sucky? (Probably the longest OcUK post ever)

Mabye she was actually busy though, i would still get rid unless she comes up with a truly sensational excuse, sudden death would be just about enough i think :)

Otherwise just tell her to sod off and leave you alone, she's continually hurting you for nothing other than her own gratification.

Personally i'd make dam sure she knows exactly what a complete and utter **** she has been, and i wouldn't be nice about they way i said it to her either. But then i'm not a particularly nice person if i feel somene has wronged me personally.
Unfortunatly her idea of busy is sat at home watching the telly. Which is what she did the other week when I asked her if she wanted to do something.

I should have realised she was being a bit dodgy last night. I was trying to sort everything out via text messages, I thought she was out and lets be fair any sane person would have come on msn or phoned to try and sort things out. I found out that she was just watching telly, probably wanted to stay on texts so she had a load of time to think about exactly what to say.
CryptKeeper said:
You should be happy that something could make you feel that sad.

That is being alive. That is being human.

Take the bad with the good - beautiful sadness.

you're a happy person aren't you??

don't expect her to just spill her guts to you if something is up mate, took my friend best part of 3 months

then again, she may just be a *****
M0T said:
... she has said that before and not come back and the next day she delights in telling me how she sat at home the night before doing nothing and had nobody to talk to.
Dude, she's taking the proverbial.

I suggest sending her this letter (shamelessly saved from when it was last posted here :))
Dear Ms. Xxxx,

I’m assuming that’s your real name but since you told me such an incredible fabrication of lies and, at best, half truths I now sincerely doubt it. Perhaps you don’t even remember your name it’s so well buried into the maze of your deceit.

For someone who claims to be educated you have the strangest desire to prove the opposite. You said at the outset “no games and no bull” yet the more I find out about you those are the only things you’re capable of. You mentioned that one of your relatives is a psychiatrist – does he know he has several case studies under his nose?

It’s so plain now that you just wanted a man and, despite your initial protestations otherwise, you didn’t care which one. I now know it was just bad luck on my behalf that I was in your sightline when you needed another soul to keep your contract with the devil intact. I am so totally ****** off with you and your deplorable antics. I go out of my way not to hate anyone but you are really pushing it close. I know you’re messed up and gee whiz do you feel the need to prove it. (Now I come to think about it, did you really have a nervous break down last April or were you chasing after some sympathy from A.N. Other who had yet to hear your pathetic excuses for being such an invertebrate and who could massage your massively over inflated and wholly misplaced ego?).

You’re 35 going on 13 and I’m not sure if that’s years or months. You really ought to grow up and get a grip then perhaps you can stop being such a brat. I can’t tell you how much I really loathe you right now. Maybe loath is too strong a word. The more thought I give this (far far more than you deserve) the more hilarious and contemptible I find you.

I told you intimate personal details in good faith and I just know that all your little kiddy pals will be fully appraised of all the ‘good stuff’ by now. You are such a truly two faced, sanctimonious, pious, lying, pathetic, miserable, hypocritical, reprehensible, duplicitous and contemptible *****, Xxxxxxx. I despise using the word ***** but I’m having no problems with my conscience laying that one squarely at your feet. ******s the world over can only worship at the alter of your professionalism in that aspect. I comfort myself no end in the knowledge that as you feel the need to impress the children you so wish to befriend with the details of my private life, the adults who I can call friends will immediately see you for what you are.

You have no compunction about gushing forth the most outrageous of lies. Indeed you seem to revel in it. You say one thing, hear another then change the facts as you like at a later date to suit your ever changing mood. Examples aplenty spring to mind but you know what I’m talking about. I genuinely pity you because when your paper castle of lies and deceit that you have built around you collapses in the most vainglorious manner (we both know it’s when and not if) no one will care. The only sound after the last rumble subsides will be everyone who has ever known you laughing uproariously.

You are a stepping stone. A doormat. A hopeless helpless soulless husk with no hope of remorse or reprieve. I resent the energy and time I’ve wasted on you and your little girl games.

Was I supposed to get jealous that you ‘got off’ with a little boy (13 years your junior) at the social do on Sunday? (It’s just occurred to me that means you were starting your 6th year at high school as he started Primary One – oh you couldn’t make this up. Thank you thank you thank you.) Not going to work with me I'm afraid. Revulsion and laughter at your wholly pathetic antics are the only response it elicited here. Oh yes. It also made me shower for 30 minutes when I realized what a tramp you are at the core and how unclean I felt when recalling some of what we did. I must emphasise the laughter part. I nearly spat out my wine when I heard that despite your best efforts he went home with another woman.

You plainly have no sense of self worth. I agree in full. You are entirely without worth. Why do you feel the need to mix in that social group? A refusal to grow up or have you actually come to terms with your inescapable immaturity?

I doubt you ever will but if you do work out what it takes to be an actual person instead of the two dimensional facsimile you revel in now, don’t come running. There’ll be nobody willing to listen because you will have alienated everyone who’s ever had the misfortune to meet you. The inclination will be to immediately turn their backs on you the same way you choose to turn your back on reality.

I wish you no harm or malice. Just the miserable life of solitude that you deserve rotting in the fetid quagmire that is your wholly repugnant existence. I promise you you’ll be long remembered within my circle of friends. We will be laughing at you and your entirely risible antics for years to come.

You are without peer the most contemptible person I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet and truly the most loathsome excuse for a human being that’s ever crossed my path.

Consider this a thank you letter. Thank you for showing me what an appalling human being you are. Thank you for showing me what good friends I have and how astute their immediate summation of you was – even before meeting you. While I contemplate sleep tonight, I can’t help but wonder what tortured, fitful nightmare images drift alone through your empty head.

I would love to finish this on an upbeat note, find some hope, something positive I could say to you in the belief that it would or could make a difference. You’re not worth it however. You are eternally adrift in an ocean of inescapable pain that has no port called redemption.

Tom, you want to know what I'd do if I was in your shoes? Start ignoring her, see how she likes it. I've been a similar situation to you before.

Some girl said she really really liked me, so I went out of my way to try and organise to meet up with her. Most of the time she'd say she was busy etc etc.

At first I didn't mind and thought... we'll get together eventually.

In the end, I just thought '**** it!'. Stopped texting her, stopped talking to her, just cut all contact. It was hard as I did like her, but it was worth it.

She text me a few months later telling me she'd got me a christmas present. WINNER, I'm still in with a chance.

Tried to arrange to meet up with her a number of times, to which she said she was out at the pub with her friends, or was at home etc etc

I just gave up. Haven't spoken to her in 4 months. Her loss as far as I'm concerned.
agw_01 said:
Hehe, I know what you mean.

it seems that some lasses like to play the "see how many I can keep hanging at once" game. Sorry love, I've got better things to do.
Either it's two way or no way.
Treefrog said:
it seems that some lasses like to play the "see how many I can keep hanging at once" game. Sorry love, I've got better things to do.
Either it's two way or no way.

Up until I met this girl I didn't believe anyone could do that, and I just thought I was being paranoid for a long time. I suppose she was just doing it to me because I am an easy target really.
Right I had it out with her properly.

She basically just wants to be friends because she doesn't want to be with anyone and she didn't mean to keep confusing me like that but she didn't know what she wanted, but does now.

I can't be friends with her because the rest of her uni friends don't like me and none of my friends want to see her again. So basically if I were to ever see her it would be on our own like a date and I don't want to be in that scenario.
At least you know where you stand now and you can move on from it :)
Everyone is an easy target to someone - don't knock yourself out over it.
The annoying thing about it was she said that and then was seeing the songs I was playing using that msn 'what am i listening to' feature and asking me if they were about her (Savage Garden - Want You, Vertical Horizon - You're a God + Everything You Want) so then she went and put a song on with a title like 'I'm messing you up'.

Today she was talking to me and I said I was bored and was thinking about going out, she said I should do something with one of my friends. I said I didn't think that the friends I had online would want to see me, then stupidly said something that made her think I was talking about her so she started saying things like 'why don't you just ask and suprise whoever it is you mean ;)'.

She has also asked me about 5 times today what I am doing all week then every time I tell her I don't have anything planned she says shes doing nothing and how boring it will be.

My mates think she was just saying that friends thing because she wants me to try harder to change her mind. I think she needs to go and see a doctor.

She did tell me that the reason she sometimes doesn't come back when she says she will is because they only have the net on one pc and she has to fight her sister to use it.
forget her... why do you let her chat to you and have him. shes made her bed, let her sleep in it (so to speak). move on, have fun, get on with your life
She doesn't want him anymore I don't think. When she did I heard about him quite a bit and she was round him a lot, from what she was saying she was using him to try and get rid of me for a bit whilst she worked stuff out and he was in on it.

Edit: She can't have me either. Think I'm gonna go out tomorrow and see what I can find so to speak.
M0T said:
The annoying thing about it was she said that and then was seeing the songs I was playing using that msn 'what am i listening to' feature and asking me if they were about her (Savage Garden - Want You, Vertical Horizon - You're a God + Everything You Want) so then she went and put a song on with a title like 'I'm messing you up'.
How about playing "I don't like you" by SLF next time she's on? ;)

You ought to scratch from the human race
You are a waste of a name
A waste of time and a waste of space
You've only one claim to fame -
I don't like you
M0T said:
Edit: She can't have me either. Think I'm gonna go out tomorrow and see what I can find so to speak.

im glaad to hear that - dont let her test the waters then return. shes not the person you can trust or count on as she has "issues".

you should print out what youve said and stick it on your wall. that way if you ever get the urge you can see what you said about her... hope you have a good one tomorrow
Haha I decided to update because this seemed quite funny to me

I have been speaking to her over msn because we are on the same course and have a few exams coming up, so I thought she owed me a bit of help with that, so shes been sending me revision notes and things.

Anyway last night shes telling me she wants to go travelling somewhere this summer and asked me if I wanted to go anywhere. Anyway we had this whole conversation and she ended up asking me if I would go away with her. So I'm a bit drunk and reply with 'yeah sure, do you want to do something this week then?' I get the response 'I'm really busy with stuff, so probably not.'

Haven't heard from her since I called that bluff...but luckily I already have all the revision material I need :)
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